Collision of two motorcycles on the National Highway in Santiago de Cuba leaves at least three people injured.

One of the injured is Julio César de Armas, 32 years old, who suffered serious injuries to a leg and was operated on at the Juan Bruno Zayas Clinical Surgical Hospital in the capital Santiago. The health status of the other accident victims is unknown.

  • CiberCuba Editorial Team

A collision between two motorcycles on the National Highway in Santiago de Cuba this Monday left at least three people injured, including a young man who had to undergo surgery.

According to reports from communicator Yosmany Mayeta, several people were injured after a collision between two motorcycles on a stretch of the highway in the province of Santiago de Cuba.

In one of the comments on her Facebook post, a young woman claimed that there were three injured: two men and one woman.

Facebook CaptureYosmany Mayeta Labrada

Mayeta identified one of them as Julio César de Armas, 32 years old, who suffered serious injuries to a leg and was undergoing surgery at the Juan Bruno Zayas Clinical Surgical Hospital in the Santiago capital at the time of publication.

A person who saw the young man arrive at the hospital's guard station stated that he did not look "good at all," as he had a "very swollen face and a destroyed leg."

Facebook capture/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The communicator stated that he has no further information about the other injured parties.

So far, the causes of the accident are unknown, which occurred on the stretch of the National Highway that goes from Tropicana to the San Juan bridge, according to information from an internet user.

Several people expressed doubts about how the collision could occur on such a wide, dual-lane highway, while others attributed the causes to speeding while driving.

In recent months, numerous traffic accidents involving motorcycles have been reported.

In mid-month, the collision between a motorcycle and a truck in Santiago de Cuba left a young woman with injuries that were not life-threatening. Apparently, one of the drivers ignored the "Stop" sign.

In the municipality of Regla, in Havana, the collision between a motorcyclist and a cyclist caused significant injuries to both, who were taken to the local polyclinic due to a lack of ambulances to transport them to a hospital. The cause of the accident may have been related to the presence of a large hole in the street where the incident occurred, one of the most important roads in the area.

Also in the Cuban capital, a motorcycle driver crashed into the windshield of a car when the car invaded the opposite lane, according to witnesses of the incident. The motorcyclist suffered injuries and was taken to a hospital.

According to official data, there was a 13% decrease in traffic accidents (543 fewer) in Cuba during the first half of the year, compared to the same period in 2023. A report from the Specialized Traffic Body of MININT stated that in the first six months of 2024 "motorcycles and mopeds decreased their incidence in accidents," noted the official portal Cubadebate.

In general, vehicle drivers were responsible for 52% of accidents, 75% of fatalities, and 55% of injuries, according to official statistics.

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