From Miami, a Cuban warns newcomers not to move to her city: "It's extremely expensive."

Cubana advises newcomers on what not to do when moving to the United States.

A Cuban woman in Miami shared her tips for people who have just arrived or are about to arrive in the United States for the first time. A series of basic recommendations was offered by Claudia Miranda, who identifies as @claudia050992 on her TikTok profile.

In the video titled "Things You Should Not Do Upon Arriving in the United States," the Cuban living in Miami warns first about the high cost of living in Miami. "It's extremely expensive, rents are very high, and if you find a job, it's at minimum wage," she comments.

His next suggestion is that if newcomers do not have friends or family to receive them and provide temporary housing, it is most prudent to look for a more affordable place to live. "Don't rent something you can't afford yet," he said.

Another piece of advice is to buy a car, as mobility in the United States is crucial in most states. However, he recommends avoiding purchasing a new car or going into debt with a loan from the start. "Try not to get into car payments in the first few years," he advises. Instead, he suggests looking for a vehicle that allows you to get from home to work without generating significant expenses.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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