Cubana positions Chacal and Yakarta as the best Cuban duo in a ranking: "It will never be forgotten."

A Cuban goes viral on TikTok with her ranking of Cuban duos, highlighting Chacal and Yakarta as the best.

A Cuban woman has not resisted the challenge of ranking the most popular Cuban duos of recent years, earning the approval of many Cubans for her list. "No one asked for my opinion, and I'm going to make the ranking of my favorite Cuban singers," said user @highlaa__ (Jaila), before listing her favorite artists.

In the number 1 spot, the young woman does not hesitate and places Chacal and Yakarta, stating that "millions of years have passed, but 'El Tubazo' is 'El Tubazo.' It will never be forgotten." For her, this duo is undoubtedly the best in Cuba.

In second place, he chooses Los Desiguales, acknowledging that "they're really good, I loved their songs." He reserves third place for Yomil and El Dany.

The fourth place goes to Baby Lores and El Insurrecto. In fifth place is Gente de Zona. "They are really strong worldwide, but I don't consume them that much, so I put them at number 5."

In his list, other duos also appear, such as Charly and Johayron, whom he places in seventh place without hiding his displeasure, saying he can't stand their music and puts them there "because there could be something worse." He closes his top with Dany Ome and Kevincito El 13 in eighth place. "These people in eighth, I can't stand them; I listen to the music but I don't like them, I don't like their personality because they are a bunch of blowhards," he commented.

The video by @highlaa__ has not gone unnoticed by lovers of Cuban urban music, accumulating thousands of views on TikTok and generating supportive comments for its ranking, especially for the duo that holds the top spot on the list.

"I agree with you. Chacal and Yakarta are #1", "Chacal and Yakarta the greatest in Cuba", "Seriously the best Chacal and Yakarta", "We have the tastes in the same order", "Always Chacal and Yakarta", "Your list of artists is well created. I agree", "Literally does not match much, but what is more than clear is that Chacal and Yakarta are number one. They will always be the toughest duo of the genre for centuries to come, amen."

Additionally, their criticism of the duo that placed eighth also resonated with some followers: "Everything you said about the 8 is very real, I feel the same way, they are truly pieces of work."

"I'm sorry for Kevincito and the other one, for me these are the best Cuban singers, not counting Ovi and Almighty," he clarified in the video description.

What do you think?


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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

Do you have something to report? Write to CiberCuba: +1 786 3965 689

Izabela Pecherska

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.