Did you just move to the U.S.? TikToker shares a list of acronyms for newcomers.

"Acronyms you need to know if you just moved to the United States."

Clara, better known on TikTok as @away.intheusa, shared a list online for those looking for useful information on how to adapt to life in the United States.

In her most recent video, the Spanish creator focused on a topic that may seem simple but is fundamental for any immigrant: the acronyms that are used daily in the country.

"When you move to the United States, you realize that they use a lot of acronyms," Clara begins by saying, who has compiled the most important ones to facilitate the adaptation of those who have just arrived. Among the first ones she mentions is USCIS, which represents immigration services, something that any immigrant must keep in mind. Next, she points out the IRS, the dreaded "Hacienda" of the United States, and the SSN, which is the social security number and is essential both for working and for paying taxes legally.

Continuing with the same line of examples, Clara comments on the DMV, the equivalent of "Traffic," which is the place where identification and driver's licenses are processed. The creator warns against confusing the term DMV with the geographic area that encompasses Washington D.C., Maryland, and Virginia, since there "even the metro crosses from one place to another."

Finally, he concludes his list with the USPS, the United States postal system, and the important distinction with UPS, a private shipping company like FedEx.

The video has started to generate comments and interactions. A user asked, "Can you validate the driver's license from Spain?" while another, more familiar with daily life in the United States, commented, "I was here thinking you were going to talk about OOO, WFH, EOD, EOW, EOM, BID, IMO, KPI, PTO, TLTR, BRB, COB...". Clara quickly responded in her characteristic friendly tone: "This is at a more basic level, for when you've just moved in... we will delve into more, there will be no shortage of acronyms!"

With the promise of continuing to break down this complex system of abbreviations, @away.intheusa remains an essential account for those looking to make their transition to life in the United States more manageable.

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