Police release the author of an attempted murder of a guard in Havana.

Luis Enrique Ramírez Samá nearly died from the serious injuries inflicted on him during a robbery at the market where he works as a security guard, in La Güinera, Havana, in May. His family reported that the police released the perpetrator of the crime.

Casas en el reparto La Güinera (imagen de referencia) © Portal del Ciudadano de La Habana
Houses in the La Güinera neighborhood (reference image)Photo © Portal del Ciudadano de La Habana

The family of Luis Enrique Ramírez Samá, who nearly lost his life due to the serious injuries inflicted on him during a robbery at the market where he works as a custodian in La Güinera, Havana, reported that the police released the perpetrator of the crime.

Relatives of the victim expressed their outrage in several social media posts regarding the "poor work" of the police officers and the prosecutor's office, who released José Gabriel Acuña Igarza, alias "El Panga," who attacked Ramírez with a knife, endangering his life, during a robbery at the La Carpa market in La Lomita, in the La Güinera neighborhood, Arroyo Naranjo municipality.

Facebook CaptureJaimelys Lambert

The complainants also questioned the authorities' argument that the detained person "was released due to lack of evidence" and objected to the fact that the alleged accomplice of the aggressor, identified by the nickname "El Manco," is also free.

"On May 19, a robbery with violence occurred at the La Carpa market, located in La Lomita, Güinera neighborhood, where the administrator's motorcycle was stolen and the guard Luis Enrique Ramírez Samá was seriously injured, with danger to his life," reported Jaimelys Lambert, the victim's niece, in a Facebook post, accompanied by photos of the multiple and serious injuries that the criminal inflicted on various parts of her uncle's body.

"We are denouncing the poor work of the Police, Instruction, and the Prosecutor's Office, as the author José Gabriel Acuña Igarza, alias El Panga, was released and the witness to the event, alias El Manco, is on the streets. We demand justice, so that this incident does not go unpunished," he claimed.

The young woman revealed that, as a result of the injuries, her uncle "was between life and death, they had to take him to the operating room twice, and even so, they released the perpetrator of this crime."

Facebook CaptureJaimelys Lambert

While questioning how the person who stabbed his uncle could be free, whom he labeled as a “repeat offender” and “scum of society,” Lambert revealed that, on the contrary, the victim has a son who is a political prisoner, Dayán de Jesús Ramírez Rondón.

"We are not joking, here the life of a good man was at stake, who almost died at the hands of a multi-recidivist thug, 'El Panga'... So, I ask myself: isn't 'El Panga' a danger to society?" he stated in another post. "These are the things we need to confront and stop being so cowardly, because here the life of a man who was at his work earning his daily living, honestly, was in danger."

"How is the PNR going to say that he was released due to lack of evidence... He was released because of a snitch," the young woman stated.

In one of the comments, Idalmis Ramírez Samá, the victim's sister, also spoke out: "My brother was fatally wounded, I don't understand how a murderer can be on the street, I ask for justice. Today it was my brother, but tomorrow it could be one of your relatives. Justice."

Other relatives of Ramírez expressed their frustration over what they consider an arbitrariness and complicity of the police with the criminals involved in this crime, who are likely informants for the officers, in order to avoid going to jail.

While the aggressor and the accomplice in the attack on the Cuban worker are free on the streets of the capital, his son Dayán de Jesús is in prison, serving a 10-year sentence for the supposed crime of "sedition," after having peacefully protested on July 12, 2021, during the massive anti-government demonstration that took place in the La Güinera neighborhood.

The aggression that nearly cost Ramírez his life is part of the criminal escalation occurring in the country, where there has been a significant increase in robberies and violent assaults, murders, and other crimes in recent years, due to the police's inefficiency in curbing crime and insecurity in Cuban cities and towns.

This Tuesday it was announced that the Provincial Court of Holguín sentenced three Cubans to life imprisonment for their involvement in the murder of a guard at the Mayarí Industrial Forestry Economic Unit, who caught the criminals while they were attempting to steal batteries from state vehicles. A fourth defendant in the crime was sentenced to 30 years of deprivation of liberty.

In July, Efrén Ernesto Echemendía Carvajal, 51 years old and a guard at a store in the Bahía (Guiteras) neighborhood, in the east of Havana, was murdered while on duty at the establishment.

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