What are the advantages of working through apps in the USA? Latino answers on TikTok and sparks a debate.

"You can do a daily time rework."

A young Latino, @yinoubliofficial, has taken to TikTok to share his experience working through apps in the United States, and his video has sparked quite a conversation.

For him, the best part is the freedom to organize his time without having to report to a boss. "The flexibility that working through apps gives you is not something any job provides," he says while recounting how his day includes everything from taking a client to the airport, going to the gym, having breakfast, driving for Uber, and later, hanging out with friends. All without worrying about asking for permission.

"I can make any commitment and then work, and I earn the same as if I were in a factory," he comments in the video, highlighting that for him, it's all about making the most of his time, although he acknowledges that sometimes money doesn’t stretch the same throughout the year.

The comments came quickly. One user replied: "You can't live on a variable income, the bills are fixed." Another criticized the lack of benefits like health insurance or retirement: "Tell people that with this you don't have health insurance, vacation, or retirement."

Still, there were also those who agreed with him. “I do it just like that, chilling,” one commented, while another shared that now he makes double the money working with Amazon Flex and Uber than he did at his old job in a warehouse.

There were also doubts, and some mentioned the difficulty of doing taxes or the exhaustion of driving all day. One asked, "How are the taxes?" Others pointed out that, although you can manage your time, the risks and physical strain cannot be ignored.

The debate is open. Some prefer the freedom that apps offer, while others are not so convinced that it is the best option. What do you think? Work without a boss or is it better to stick with a stable job?

What do you think?


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