El Taiger's condition is extremely critical: "He has a lot of brain damage."

The bullet entered through his forehead and exited through the right side of his brain; they had to remove part of his brain. His breathing is artificial.

The Cuban singer El Taiger remains in extremely critical condition due to severe brain damage, and it will not be known for several hours whether he will survive the injuries after being shot in the head on Thursday.

His representative, Carlos Alfaro, revealed that the surgeon confirmed that the bullet entered through the forehead and exited from the right side of the brain, and that they had to remove part of the brain.

"His breathing is artificial right now," said Univisión journalist Daniel Benítez outside Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami.

"He has severe brain damage and is breathing through machines. If they take the machines away, he is a vegetable, he is dead," he added.

According to Daniel Benítez, the Police are interviewing a person in connection with the incident, and it is expected that this Friday the head of the Department will hold a press conference with more details.

On Thursday night, Marcel Reinosa, manager of El Taiger, confirmed that the bullet he received did not affect the left side of his brain.

"The part of the brain that recognizes people and memory is intact so far; it is indeed a miracle that he has survived, that he is alive, he is fighting for his life at this moment," he detailed.

Reinosa completely dismissed the speculation that it was a suicide attempt and also that it was a shooting, and clarified that the Police are still investigating and already have a person of interest.

"The forecast is to wait; we have to wait; it’s a game of waiting at this moment; no one can predict because the last thing to lose is faith," he emphasized.

So far, the details surrounding the incident in which the Cuban reggaeton artist was injured are unknown.

According to Local 10, "Miami police officers surrounded a black Mercedes-Benz SUV on Thursday morning after a shooting outside Jackson Behavioral Health Hospital in Allapattah."

The news adds that inside the car they found a man with a gunshot wound to the head, and the images match those published by several Cuban influencers regarding the case of El Taiger.

Through social media, many artists have sent messages of support and a speedy recovery for El Taiger.

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