A person dies in an accident between a truck and a horse-drawn cart in Santiago de Cuba.

The unfortunate accident occurred very near the Vocational School of Arts in the province.

Accidente en Santiago de Cuba © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada
Accident in Santiago de CubaPhoto © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

A tragic accident occurred on the highway at the entrance of Santiago de Cuba when a truck collided with a horse-drawn cart, resulting in the immediate death of the person driving it.

The journalist Yosmany Mayeta Labrada reported the incident on his Facebook account, where he called on anyone who had witnessed the accident to provide him with more details about what happened.

Facebook post/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

At that moment, the circumstances had not been confirmed, but later the communicator published another post with more detailed information: “This morning, a unfortunate accident occurred where a man and father of a family named Alejandro Candeaux, who lived on Calle 2 in Santa María in the Reparto Boniato, lost his life instantly.”

Facebook post/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

"The man lay on the Santiaguera Highway after being struck by a white minibus, but the horse-drawn cart lost control and was hit by another vehicle that was passing at that moment," the activist added.

He also stated that the unfortunate accident occurred very close to the Vocational Art School (EVA), and many people who witnessed the event helped the victim in getting to a hospital, but it was too late.

Three days ago, another person from Santiago lost their life after being hit by a car in the town of El Socorro, which belongs to the municipality of Songo La Maya, as they were about to board a passenger truck.

The news was confirmed by Yosmany Mayeta Labrada himself, who initially said that the man had suffered serious injuries from the accident, but later reported his death.

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