Ulises Toirac predicts a more complicated future after Marrero's appearance: "We are in a vicious cycle."

"My forecast is not very encouraging, but I don't want to be the one to say what will happen. I only dare to mention one detail: next summer, when the famous photovoltaic parks are supposed to be working, the deficit we're facing tonight will seem like a blessing," concluded the actor.

Ulises Toirac y Manuel Marrero © Facebook / Ulises Toirac - Captura de video / Canal Caribe
Ulises Toirac and Manuel MarreroPhoto © Facebook / Ulises Toirac - Video capture / Canal Caribe

The appearance this Thursday of Prime Minister Manuel Marrero Cruz alongside executives from the Ministry of Energy and Mines left the Cuban comedian Ulises Toirac more worried than relieved, as he analyzed the energy emergency and concluded that it is “a vicious circle.”

In an extensive post on his social media, Toirac referred to Marrero Cruz's appearance as "alarming," beyond "unconvincing," and considered that the promise of the Cuban regime to improve the situation through photovoltaic parks is not based on a solid project.

Screenshot Facebook / Ulises Toirac

"Photovoltaic parks cannot be built in a few months. Under current conditions (which include lack of control, labor indiscipline, disorganization, etc.), it is even less feasible. On the other hand, we are talking about 30 parks with 20 MW each, for a total (at full capacity) of 600 MW. Let's think: just last night the 'deficit' reached 1,600 MW (according to statements). One already gets an idea of what the total of photovoltaic parks operating at full capacity will cover," mused the comedian.

In this first analysis, the comedian added other variables to demonstrate that Marrero Cruz's promises are pure voluntarism or a distraction maneuver by the regime, intent on making Cubans believe that the solution to the energy crisis will come from renewable energy sources.

"On top of that is the payment arrears for fuels and the lack of an 'open bar' supplier (Venezuela) to meet crude oil needs. It's a problem that I see growing rather than decreasing... The 'deficit' requires the necessary time to stabilize acquisition, and instead of that, it worsens more each week," Toirac added.

With a collapsed national electroenergetic system (SEN), the actor and electrical engineer (CUJAE, 1986) deemed the government's strategy of maintenance and renewal of thermal power plants unfeasible.

"They arrived at where they were going to arrive. Not now, but ten or fifteen years ago. Breakdowns are becoming increasingly frequent (to the point of making it not profitable to operate them), and without money, they cannot be replaced at the speed that would be required," he considered.

The situation, which is not new but rather a repetition of an increasingly critical cycle, led the comedian to reflect that Cubans are in "a vicious circle."

"Less fuel, less generation, more blackouts, less productivity from factories and productive entities, less capacity to generate exports, less money coming in... Less fuel! (and read the paragraph again)," said Toirac, revealing the absurdity of the regime's promises.

Regarding what was explained by Marrero Cruz in his troubled appearance about an "emergency energy measures plan," the actor expressed skepticism and criticized the government's lack of foresight in the face of the urgent need for fuel, as if Miguel Díaz-Canel's administration were unaware of the amount of money stored "in the coffers" of the regime.

"My forecast is not at all encouraging, but I don't want to be the one to say what will happen. I only dare to mention one detail: next summer, when the famous photovoltaic parks are supposed to be operational, tonight's deficit will seem like a blessing," the actor concluded sadly.

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