Mariela Suárez, a desperate Cuban mother who has turned to social media to seek help in finding her son, whose whereabouts in Russia have been unknown since November 30, shared a harrowing video in which the young man expresses that he feared for his life and that someone wanted to kill him.
"Con el permiso de los administradores, necesito que me ayuden a compartir este video. Es mi hijo y está desaparecido desde el 30 de noviembre. Por favor, ayúdame. Estamos desesperados. Cualquier información al privado", escribió Suárez junto al video, publicado en el grupo de Facebook Revolico Isla de la Juventud, de donde es oriunda la familia.
The images show a young man, who some internet users say is named "Josué," walking at night down a street while repeatedly stating that they want to kill him.
"They want to kill me. We are here... the second part of my life.... They want to kill me here in Moscow. I am going to share this for my mom, for all my friends, they want to kill me here, in Moscow.", she is heard saying.
" [...] everyone here wants to kill me. My true friends who help me, help me, I'm in a bad situation, they want to kill me here. Alejandro 'the Thai,' who was in prison with me, also wants to kill me here. A whole bunch of people want to kill me. Did you hear? A lot of people want to kill me," Josué concluded in the final part of the perplexing video.
In the comments section of the post, several internet users expressed their hopes for the young man's physical safety and recommended that he seek refuge in a church or go to the Cuban embassy in Moscow. Others questioned what he might have done to have such fears, and there were those who stated that "the Russian mafia is bad."
Mariela Suárez did not specify when she received the video, nor whether it was the last time she heard from her son.
In a previous message, filled with anguish, the grieving mother shared a photograph of her son hoping to obtain information about his whereabouts.
"Please, I beg you, help me publish the photo of my son so that I can find him. He is in Russia and I have not heard anything from him since November 30. Have mercy on this mother who only wishes to find her son. He is 24 years old," she wrote.
So far, there are no details regarding the circumstances of the young man's disappearance, nor about the efforts made by the family or the authorities to locate him.
The mother has not specified whether she is in contact with the Cuban embassy in Moscow or with local Russian institutions.
Cubans in Russia
The situation of Cuban migrants in Russia has been a cause for concern in recent years, due to the economic difficulties, language barriers, and legal issues that many face in the Eurasian country.
Moreover, the presence of locals on the island in the armed conflict against Ukraine has resulted in unfortunate news.
In April 2024, a Cuban mother turned to social media to make a desperate plea for help in locating her son in Russia, fearing that he may have joined the armed forces of that country and could be serving as a mercenary.
In 2022, the Cuban mother Marlene Juvier also sought help to find her son Alejandro Rodríguez Juvier, who had been missing in Russia since January of that year.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Disappearance of Cuban Citizens in Russia
Who is the young Cuban missing in Russia and what is his current situation?
The young Cuban who went missing in Russia is named Josué. His mother, Mariela Suárez, has turned to social media to seek help, as his whereabouts have been unknown since November 30. In a video shared by Josué, he expresses fear for his life, mentioning that several people want to kill him in Moscow.
What difficulties do Cuban migrants face in Russia?
Cuban migrants in Russia face economic difficulties, language barriers, and legal issues. These complications have raised concerns, especially in the context of the armed conflict between Russia and Ukraine, which has affected several Cuban citizens in the country.
How are Cuban families using social media to find their missing loved ones?
Cuban families are using social media as a crucial tool to request help and search for their missing loved ones. They post photos, videos, and messages on platforms like Facebook to increase the visibility of their cases and receive information from people who may assist in the search.
What are the recommendations for Cubans in dangerous situations abroad?
For Cubans in danger abroad, it is recommended to seek shelter in safe places such as churches or to try to contact the Cuban embassy in the country where they are located. It is also important to stay in touch with family and friends to inform them about their situation.
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