Children are still receiving classes in tent schools after the earthquakes in Granma

Two months after the earthquakes, the Granma government has not been able to resolve the shortage of classrooms, leaving children in Pilón studying in tents donated by UNICEF.

Tents serve as classrooms in GranmaPhoto © Facebook / CMKX Radio Bayamo

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In the municipality of Pilón, in the Cuban province of Granma, classes continue under precarious conditions following the two earthquakes that struck the region on November 10, 2024.

Six tents, donated by UNICEF, have been set up to address the shortage of classrooms in this territory severely affected by natural disasters.

According to the local station CMKX Radio Bayamo on its Facebook page this Thursday, the temporary structures aim to ensure the continuity of the school year amidst the challenges arising from damage to the educational infrastructure.

Facebook Capture / CMKX Radio Bayamo

However, a report published by the Cuban News Agency and replicated by the official newspaper La Demajagua claims that the recovery of the educational facilities affected by the earthquakes is progressing significantly.

According to statements from Amauri Torres Torres, the director of Education in the municipality of Pilón, 20 of the educational centers that were damaged by the strong earthquakes on November 10, 2024, have been repaired and are now operational.

In addition to restoring the structures, these institutions have been painted and beautified as part of the recovery process.

Despite these advances, there is still a long way to go. Of the 41 damaged facilities in Pilón, only a portion have been rehabilitated, while key institutions, such as the “Pequeñines de Celia” childcare center, the seminary “Augusto César Sandino,” the basic secondary school “Juan Vitalio Acuña,” and the pre-university “André Voisin Legendre,” are still awaiting significant repairs.

The total enrollment of the affected schools amounts to 1,542 students, of which 742 have already been able to return to reconstructed classrooms.

However, another 800 students continue to receive classes in provisional conditions, either in childcare centers or tents set up for this purpose.

During a recent visit to the municipality, Yudelkis Ortiz Barceló, the First Secretary of the Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) in Granma, assessed the progress in the restoration of "Pequeñines de Celia" and emphasized the importance of speeding up the work at this facility, which houses 139 children of working mothers.

For his part, Torres Torres highlighted the efforts of the maintenance staff in the sector, both in Pilón and other locations in Granma, who have contributed to the progress in recovery.

However, the reality on the ground continues to highlight the slow progress and limitations of the process, leaving hundreds of children in precarious educational conditions.

In November, just a few days after the earthquakes that affected the eastern region of Cuba, about 350 children from Pilón had to move to a temporary school set up in a military base with the support of the Revolutionary Armed Forces (FAR).

The journalist Jorge Luis Ríos Frías reported on Facebook that the new center, named "Amiguitos de las FAR," accommodates students from the Augusto César Sandino seminary, one of the most affected institutions.

Additionally, following the earthquakes, the Cuban government provided tents to shelter affected families, whose epicenters were located southeast of Granma province.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Educational Situation in Pilón after the Earthquakes

Why are the children in Pilón receiving classes in tents?

The children of Pilón are receiving classes in tents due to the significant damage caused by the earthquakes on November 10, 2024, to school infrastructure. Tents donated by UNICEF have been set up to address the classroom shortage and ensure the continuation of the school year.

How many educational centers in Pilón have been repaired after the earthquakes?

So far, 20 of the educational centers affected by the earthquakes have been repaired and are now operational. However, there are still key institutions waiting for significant repairs.

How many students are still in provisional education conditions in Pilón?

Of the 1,542 affected students, 800 continue to receive classes under provisional conditions, either in tented classrooms or in other temporary facilities, while repairs to their schools are completed.

What measures has the Cuban government taken to assist families affected by the earthquakes?

The Cuban government has set up tents to accommodate families affected by the earthquakes. However, this measure has been criticized for its limited reach and the lack of attention to other communities that are equally impacted.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on current events in Cuba and issues of global interest. At CiberCuba, we strive to provide truthful news and critical analysis.