A Cuban woman's emphatic response when told she is speculating: "Those who criticize feel inferior."

A Cuban woman in the U.S. responds to criticism about her success, highlighting the importance of personal effort. She emphasizes that success does not depend on one's background and that the criticisms reflect others' insecurities.

A Cuban woman in the United States did not hesitate to respond decisively to a comment that questioned her life and achievements. The message said: “I would like to know what part of Cuba you're from, how much you speculate”, which prompted a strong and thoughtful response from the user @_mily_mily, who made her stance on criticism and the perception of success clear.

In her message, the Cuban from Miami addressed the concept of "speculation" with determination, explaining that she does not boast about what she does not have, but rather enjoys what she has earned through hard work.

The woman pointed out what she considers a perception problem among those who criticize the success of others: “I am not responsible for the inferiority complex of some people, who believe that someone doing different things or achieving what they don't know is speculating,” she said. She clarified that when she shares her day-to-day life, whether spending money or traveling, she does so because she is enjoying what she has worked for and earned.

In addition to defending herself, she delivered an inspiring message: “When I see someone else doing something I would like to do or that is out of my reach, it only serves to inspire me. I would never in my life think that they are just speculating. When someone showcases, travels, or has something, it is because they have earned it. No one gave it to them for free.”

He also emphasized the importance of understanding that every process takes time and effort: “Here, many people arrive and, after 4 or 5 years, want to live like someone who has been here for decades. Everything has a process. I have also faced setbacks; I have even found myself on the streets,” he confessed, highlighting that his current success has not been without difficulties and that he has been living in the United States for three decades.

The Cuban concluded her response by reaffirming that her place of origin on the island does not define her success, nor should it matter to those who leave negative comments: “I don’t see how it would benefit you to know where I’m from in Cuba. Despite coming from Cuba, not all of us are the same. I would never leave those kinds of comments,” she emphasized.

The response has sparked a debate on social media, where some users applaud its firmness and determination.

The story of this Cuban woman serves as a reminder that individual success is built on effort and dedication, and that instead of criticizing, it is better to draw inspiration from the achievements of others to reach one's own goals.

Frequently Asked Questions about Critiques of Cubans' Achievements Abroad

Why are some Cubans abroad accused of speculation?

The accusation of speculation arises when they are seen showcasing their material achievements such as houses or cars on social media, creating the impression that they are bragging. However, many of them argue that they do this to enjoy what they have worked for and earned through their efforts, not to show off.

How do Cubans respond to criticisms about their success abroad?

Cubans often respond to criticism by defending their right to enjoy the fruits of their labor. They emphasize that their achievements are the result of hard work and dedication, and they often use these comments as an opportunity to inspire others, highlighting that success is achievable with effort.

What impact do criticisms have on the perception of the success of Cubans abroad?

Criticism can spark a debate about the meaning of success and the perception of ostentation. Some view these displays of achievement as inspiration, while others see them as unnecessary. This debate reflects the tensions surrounding emigration and the changing circumstances for Cubans abroad.

Why is it important for some Cubans to showcase their achievements on social media?

For many Cubans, showcasing their achievements on social media is a way to validate their efforts and demonstrate that it is possible to achieve success despite initial difficulties. Moreover, these displays can serve as inspiration for others who are starting their lives in a new country.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.