Transtur is easing the conditions for renting cars in Cuba

In light of the decline in international tourism, the regime seeks to attract Cubans living abroad, whose trips to Cuba have also decreased.

Transtur carsPhoto © Facebook / Transtur Cuba

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The state agency Transtur has relaxed the conditions for renting cars in Cuba, an attempt to attract more foreign currency that it tries to disguise as an initiative to "make the travel experience more accessible and comfortable for its users."

Starting February 1, the company will implement a change in the driver's license requirement for its clients by reducing the validity period of the document required from applicants.

"Previously, drivers were required to have a license that was at least two years old," reports a report from Granma.

"In an effort to facilitate access to its services, the company has decided to reduce this requirement to just one year for all vehicle categories, with the exception of categories I Sports and F luxury of Rex, which will maintain the current term," it adds.

According to the note, the modification not only expands access to car rental services but also enhances the experience for travelers in Cuba, providing them with greater freedom and flexibility during their stay.

"In a country where tourism is a fundamental pillar of the economy, the effective connection between transportation and tourism is crucial to achieving the levels of quality and satisfaction that are sought," the information states.

In times when international tourism has fallen to its lowest levels in two decades, the regime aims to attract Cubans living abroad – whose travels to Cuba have also decreased – and facilitate their stay, even if it means being less strict on crucial matters such as proper training to take the helm.

Many traffic accidents that occur in Cuba involve rental cars driven by Cuban émigrés traveling to see their families and to engage in tourism. These numerous tragic events raise questions about both the drivers' ability to operate these vehicles and the oversight of the Cuban authorities.

But the government's goal is to earn dollars at any cost, and in the absence of foreign tourists, who prefer to go to other countries in the Caribbean, the focus is on the money left by the so-called "community" Cubans in an attempt to revitalize a sector that is crucial for the national economy.

Frequently Asked Questions about Car Rentals in Cuba by Transtur

What changes has Transtur implemented in car rentals in Cuba?

Transtur has reduced the requirement for customers' driver's license tenure from two years to one, except for categories I Sport and F luxury of Rex, where the previous term remains in place.

What is the status of rental cars in Cuba?

The condition of rental cars in Cuba is deplorable, with many vehicles in critical condition, despite the high fees charged for their rental. This has sparked criticism regarding safety and the country's tourist image.

Why has the Cuban government relaxed the conditions for renting cars?

The main objective is to attract foreign currency, as international tourism has significantly declined. The measure aims to facilitate access to car rentals for Cubans residing abroad, despite concerns about security and control.

What risks does the liberalization of car rentals in Cuba bring?

Flexibility could increase the number of traffic accidents, as poorly maintained rental cars are often involved in these incidents. The measure to reduce the age requirement for a license may also impact the readiness of drivers.

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CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.