A Cuban resident in Brazil couldn't hold back her emotions upon finding an item in a store that instantly transported her back to her teenage years in Cuba.
It’s about the famous elastic bracelets shaped like figures, known on the Island as "liguitas," which at one time were a phenomenon among Cuban youth.
The discovery was captured in a TikTok video shared by the user @nathi_hdez, where she enthusiastically showcases the pack of bracelets and asks her followers: "My people Cuba, who remembers these little bands? They were the best when they arrived in Cuba. I remember we would trade them to see who had the prettiest designs."
In the clip, the young woman explains how "liguitas" marked an era on the Island and became a kind of currency of exchange among teenagers, who competed to get the most original designs. "I walked by this store and I've just returned to my adolescence upon seeing these bracelets," she says nostalgically.
The post sparked a wave of reactions on TikTok, with hundreds of Cubans sharing their memories of this trend that defined an entire generation.
Comments like "I had my arm full," "What memories!," "Oh yes, I had one too," and "I remember perfectly" flooded the post, confirming that this little accessory remains alive in the memories of many.
Silicone bracelets in various shapes became globally popular in the 2000s, and when they arrived in Cuba, they sparked a genuine craze.
Their success lay in their variety of colors and shapes, ranging from animals to playful symbols, which made them irresistible to children and teenagers.
This episode demonstrates how small objects can evoke great memories and connect Cubans both on and off the Island with shared experiences from their youth.
Frequently asked questions about Cuban nostalgia and iconic products
What are "liguitas" and why are they significant for Cubans?
The "liguitas" are elastic bracelets shaped like figures that became a phenomenon among Cuban youth in the 2000s. These bracelets were used as a form of currency for trading and were very popular due to their variety of colors and designs. Their popularity stemmed from the competition to collect the most original figures, creating a special bond among the teenagers of that era.
How do Cubans react when they find products from their childhood abroad?
Cubans experience a mix of nostalgia and joy when they find products from their childhood abroad. These products evoke memories and an emotional connection to their homeland, reinforcing their cultural identity. Reactions are often shared on social media, where they resonate with other emigrants who share similar experiences.
Why are rice bags used as accessories in Cuba?
In Cuba, the creative reuse of objects is common due to scarcity. Rice bags, especially those from foreign brands, are used as accessories due to their durability and capacity. These bags have become a symbol of ingenuity and fashion on the island, reflecting how Cubans innovatively repurpose the resources available to them.
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