A young Cuban named Alex is living on the streets of Miami after falling into drug addiction.
The youth, born in Havana, has a depressing appearance. Dirty, bearded, with very long hair that almost entirely covers his face, it's hard to understand what he is saying.
Despite his poor condition, it is clear that he is quite young. "I'm just a kid," he stated.
The user from TikTok identified as Conducta, who shares these types of cases to provide assistance, requested that anyone who knows this boy contact him so they can work together to help him out of his situation.
Alex confessed to him that he used to consume "everything": marijuana, ecstasy, "whatever".
"He needs help. If anyone recognizes him, family, friends, or anyone who knows anything about him, please contact us," pleaded the video's creator.
"We want to help you reunite with your family and give you a chance to move forward," he added.
Last week, Conducta published the story of Loretta, a 23-year-old from Camagüey who had been living on the streets for eight years due to drugs.
The author of the video found her sleeping on a sidewalk wrapped in a blanket. He gifted her a dress and some shoes, gave her pizza and water, and convinced her to take her to a place where she could bathe and put on clean clothes.
She confessed to him that she was using crack.
Days later, the girl turned her life around after reuniting with her family in an emotional meeting that marked the beginning of her recovery process.
Her case went viral on social media, which allowed her family, with the help of the good Samaritan Conducta, to locate her and provide the necessary support to start a new chapter.
Frequently Asked Questions about Homelessness and Addiction in Miami
Who is Alex and why does he need urgent help in Miami?
Alex is a young Cuban who lives on the streets of Miami due to his drug addiction. Originally from Havana, Alex has found himself in a critical situation, consuming various substances that have severely deteriorated his physical and mental state. The community and users of platforms like TikTok are trying to reach out to him to offer the necessary help.
What role does the user "Conducta" play in these stories of homeless Cubans in Miami?
The user "Conducta" on TikTok is dedicated to documenting and sharing cases of homeless individuals in Miami, especially Cubans, to help them. Through videos, they aim to connect these individuals with resources and support that can help them get off the streets, whether it be through rehabilitation, employment, or reconnecting with family and friends.
What similarities exist between Alex and other cases of homeless Cubans in Miami?
Like other homeless Cubans in Miami, Alex faces issues of addiction and lack of resources. Cases such as those of Loretta Pérez, Arizay, and Ariel Menéndez also reflect a constant struggle against addictions, lack of family support, and vulnerability in a foreign environment. All of these cases underscore the importance of community intervention to provide assistance and rehabilitation.
What is the impact of drug use like "El Químico" on the Cuban community?
The consumption of drugs like "El Químico" has a devastating impact on the physical and mental health of young people in Cuba. This synthetic drug is extremely potent and addictive, causing immediate effects such as seizures and heart problems. In Cuba, the lack of education and prevention regarding these substances further complicates the situation, forcing many young people and families to confront a public health crisis.
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