Things that Cubans often buy on Amazon to express their culture and simplify their daily lives

Cubans abroad use Amazon to buy products that reflect their cultural identity, from flags and kitchen utensils to books and clothing with patriotic symbols, keeping their roots alive.

Amazon boxes (Reference image)Photo © Flickr/Stock Catalog

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Online shopping is growing in popularity, and many Cubans outside the island are looking on platforms like Amazon for items that reflect their identity and make their lives more practical.

Amazon offers a wide variety of products ranging from decorative items to kitchen utensils that make preparing traditional meals easier. Here is a list of some of the most interesting products that Cubans often purchase on the online platform.

For the patriots: the Cuban flag

There is no better way to express love for Cuba than by displaying its flag. Amazon offers a Cuban flag specially designed for outdoor use, made with durable and fade-resistant materials. It's perfect for special occasions.

Utensils for Cuban cooking

The kitchen is a central element of Cuban culture, and these items will help prepare the most emblematic dishes:

  • Sandwichera para hacer flying saucers: ¿A quién no le gusta un buen pan con queso derretido o el clásico "disco volador" de guayaba y queso? Esta sandwichera es perfecta para recrear este popular platillo cubano.
  • Device for making stuffed tostones: Ideal para preparar tostones con rellenos de carne, queso o cualquier otro ingrediente favorito. Tendrás canasticas de plátanos perfectas y crujientes en un momento.
  • Lemon juicer: Ideal para hacer limonada fría y aderezar platos con el toque cítrico tan característico de la gastronomía cubana. Este exprimidor facilitará la tarea sin esfuerzo.
  • Molds for cappuccinos: Una gran opción para los amantes de este delicioso postre cubano que muchas veces teniendo los ingredientes en Miami, no saben cómo darle al dulce su característica forma cónica. ¿Te atreves a probarlos usando los moldes cónicos de Amazon?

Books to instill a love for Cuba

For the little ones in the household, the book La Edad de Oro by José Martí is an excellent choice to convey values and the essence of Cuban identity. An educational gift that keeps the national history and literature alive.

Stickers and clothing with Cuban identity

If you're looking for a way to showcase your Cuban identity, Amazon offers a wide variety of t-shirts, caps, and stickers featuring typical phrases and national symbols

Stickers with Cuban Phrases: Stickers featuring phrases like "Asere, qué bola" and the Cuban flag to personalize laptops, water bottles, or any surface.

T-shirts and caps with the Cuban flag and patriotic phrases: There are different styles for men and women, featuring modern and comfortable designs.

Home accessories

En esta sección la mop blanket es un clásico. Se trata de un artículo esencial en cualquier hogar cubano para mantener los pisos impecables y muchas personas de la isla se niegan a limpiar sus casas con otro sistema que no sea el clásico "trapeador" o un buen lazy, para tirar agua y que se lleve todo lo malo.

This is just a sample of the products that Cubans typically buy on Amazon when they want to keep their roots alive, no matter where they are. From practical items to decorations and clothing, there are many ways to express Cuban identity through online shopping.

Frequently Asked Questions About Purchasing Cuban Products on Amazon and Their Cultural Impact

What products related to Cuban culture do Cubans usually buy on Amazon?

Cubans often purchase items on Amazon such as the Cuban flag, kitchen utensils for preparing traditional dishes, books by Cuban authors, stickers, and clothing featuring national symbols. These products allow them to keep their cultural identity alive even outside the island.

Why is it important for Cubans abroad to acquire products that reflect their culture?

Acquiring products that reflect Cuban culture is important for Cubans abroad because it helps them preserve their identity and emotional connection to their homeland. These items not only hold symbolic value, but they also allow them to share their culture with their families and friends in the country where they reside.

What kitchen utensils are popular among Cubans for preparing traditional dishes?

Among the popular kitchen utensils are the sandwich maker for flying discs, the device for making stuffed tostones, the lemon juicer, and the molds for cappuccinos. These utensils make it easier to prepare typical Cuban dishes, allowing the flavors of the island to reach your tables abroad.

How do books by Cuban authors on Amazon contribute to the preservation of Cuban cultural identity?

Books by Cuban authors such as "La Edad de Oro" by José Martí contribute to the preservation of Cuban cultural identity by transmitting values and the essence of the national history to new generations. These books serve as an educational tool that reinforces the sense of belonging and pride in one’s roots.

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