Fire consumes home in Santiago de Cuba

Firefighters prevented the fire from spreading to nearby houses. One of them sustained minor injuries when a wall collapsed and was transferred to Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital.

A devastating fire completely consumed a home in the center of Santiago de Cuba, on Moncada Street between Maceo and San Mateo, where its residents lost all their possessions.

It is believed that the incident, which occurred around 2:00 am this Wednesday, may have been caused by a short circuit, although the exact origin is unknown.

Facebook Capture / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

The house was uninhabited at that moment because its owners, including the musician Damián Busqueta Mineto Tmt, were at another residence.

Although there were no fatalities, the fire devastated items of great sentimental and professional value to the artist, such as his piano, musical instruments, scores, and other writings related to his career.

Photo: Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

Damian, who is working alongside family, friends, and neighbors to clear the debris from his destroyed home, expressed his gratitude for the support and solidarity from those who have reached out to him.

Photo: Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

In addition, he praised the work of the firefighters, who prevented the flames from spreading to nearby homes, thereby limiting the extent of the damage.

Photo: Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

"There were two ambulances; in one of them, they took my grandmother, who was feeling unwell, and when she got better, they brought her back. They really cared," he said in a brief message to the communicator Yosmany Mayeta Labrada.

In the midst of the disaster, a member of the Fire Department sustained minor injuries when a wall collapsed during the firefighting efforts.

Alain Díaz Ricardo, from command 1, was taken by the medical staff of SIUM Santiago to the guard room of Saturnino Lora Provincial Hospital, with an injury that required five stitches on the upper part of one eyebrow. He was discharged two hours later.

According to a report on Facebook by Aris Arias Batalla, head of Operations and Relief for the Red Cross in Santiago de Cuba, two neighbors were treated for what was allegedly smoke inhalation, but both were later sent back to their homes.

The incident has generated a strong show of support from the Santiago community, which has offered solidarity to the affected family.

Frequently asked questions about the fire in Santiago de Cuba

What was the cause of the fire in the house in Santiago de Cuba?

The fire may have been caused by a short circuit, although the exact origin is still unknown. Such incidents highlight the vulnerability of electrical infrastructure in Cuba.

What losses did the musician Damián Busqueta Mineto Tmt suffer in the fire?

The musician Damián Busqueta Mineto Tmt lost items of great sentimental and professional value, such as his piano, musical instruments, sheet music, and other writings related to his career. Fortunately, there were no human casualties in the fire.

Were there any injuries during the fire in Santiago de Cuba?

During the firefighting efforts, a firefighter suffered minor injuries when a wall collapsed. Additionally, two neighbors were treated for smoke inhalation, but they were later sent home.

How has the community of Santiago de Cuba reacted to the fire?

The Santiago community has shown great solidarity with the affected family. Friends, family, and neighbors have collaborated in clearing the rubble and have provided emotional and material support to those affected.

What preventive measures can be taken to avoid fires in homes in Cuba?

To prevent fires in homes in Cuba, it is important to perform regular maintenance of electrical installations, avoid the use of overloaded outlets, and ensure that electrical connections are in good condition. It is also recommended to have smoke detectors and fire extinguishers at home.

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A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.

CiberCuba Editorial Team

A team of journalists committed to reporting on Cuban current affairs and topics of global interest. At CiberCuba, we work to deliver truthful news and critical analysis.