Call for the March of the Fighting People outrages Cubans: "Does that produce food or electricity?"
Cubans react to a sociological study by the PCC that claims majority support for the so-called "Revolution."
La solución de Díaz-Canel a los urgentes problemas de Cuba: Convocar una Marcha del Pueblo Combatiente
The regime claims that the majority of Cubans support the "revolution," according to a sociological study by the PCC
Díaz-Canel promises once again that Cuba will overcome the crisis but avoids saying when
Díaz-Canel acknowledges the crisis in Cuba but assures that the country is "moving forward and growing."
The Cuban regime dismisses the Chief Ideologist of the Communist Party and appoints him ambassador to Vietnam
Secretary of the PCC Organization instructs residents of Cienfuegos to mow and clean the city streets
Díaz-Canel pide crear comités de bases de la UJC y el PCC en las mipymes privadas
New appeal from Díaz-Canel to leaders: “We are all going to get organized.”
Más de 100 represores cubanos han llegado a Estados Unidos en el último año
Denuncian detención arbitraria del escritor Jorge Fernández Era y de la académica Alina Bárbara López
The ingenuity of a Cuban café in Tampa: The PCC logo in the trash bin
Cuban leader: "If people see us discussing problems, then they will believe us."
Movement of positions in Holguín: Party Secretary dismissed
Destituyen al primer secretario del Partido en Las Tunas
Cubanos reaccionan a la destitución del primer secretario del Partido en La Habana: "Mucho cambio y cero avance"
Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar has been removed from his position as the first secretary of the Party in Havana
The first secretary of the Communist Party in Mantua, Pinar del Río, has been dismissed
Memes are flooding social media as a sarcastic response to the Cuban authorities following the protests
Cubano protesta frente al PCC tras un decomiso en La Habana: "Que me lleven preso"
The government sends trucks loaded with food to quell the protests in Santiago de Cuba
“No queremos muela”, el grito que los santiagueros lanzan a la Secretaria del PCC en esa provincia
"Movimiento de cuadros": Régimen cubano sustituye a viceministros del MINCEX
New Code of Ethics Forces Cuban Leaders to Be Austere: "Reject Privileges and Favoritism"
A new First Secretary of the Communist Party has been appointed in Guantánamo
Diosdado Cabello to Díaz-Canel: "Together we will prevail."
Critics target Díaz-Canel's baseball game while Cuba is "in the greatest misery."
A young Cuban asks if any candidate is not affiliated with the PCC and then leaves without voting
Cuban communists take up positions: "Who said that democracy means multipartyism?"