A Cuban woman returns to visit the island and surprises her family

Anonymous images that always move us, let's tell the truth, almost everyone has someone who "left", or perhaps it was oneself who one day took a plane in search of other paths.


This article is from 6 years ago

More and more Cubans are filming and publishing theirreturn to Cuba, whether they are famous or simply anonymous citizens who want to share their joy with the world and immortalize a moment that they will later turn to in moments of nostalgia.

The common point of all these videos is the surprise and emotion of those moments in whichReturned Cubans hug their families again: the words, gestures, screams and astonishment at the reunion after a prolonged separation.

Although some may see the act of sharing these images as something unnecessary, questionable (or even narcissistic), the truth is that in practice those two minutes - the ones that last in this case the filming of the reunion of this young Cuban woman with her loved ones -They will surely thrill many more people than one can imagine.

There is nothing like playing in the shoes of another, and Cubans – accustomed by historical reality to saying “goodbye” – are also founding a mystique of reunion, of “here I am”, of “I have not forgotten you”.

Because let's tell the truth, almost every Cuban has someone who "left", or perhaps it was oneself who one day took a plane in search of other paths.

What do you think?


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Judith Moris

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Hispanic Philology from the University of Havana, and Master from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been a professor at the UH and a researcher at the UAB, and an editor/editor for the Teide publishing house.

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Judith Moris

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Hispanic Philology from the University of Havana, and Master from the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She has been a professor at the UH and a researcher at the UAB, and an editor/editor for the Teide publishing house.