Testimonies from neighbors who suffered the tornado in Havana

The mountains of rubble, uprooted trees, fallen electrical poles and demolished houses summarize the scene experienced in the streets of the Cuban capital.

This article is from 5 years ago

Discouragement, crying and disappointment have invaded many families in Havana whoThey woke up this Monday with theirdestroyed homes after the passage of apowerful tornado.

"It is a very big catastrophe. In my 58 years I have never seen anything like it, it is worse than a cyclone," lamented a resident of the Cuban capital in statements reported by Reuters.

It is the feeling that invades many Cubans after seeing how this Sunday afternoon thisMeteorological phenomenon left a scene of destruction.

Debris and destroyed houses in Regla / Oscar Figueredo - Cubadebate

"It was like a turbine from a large airplane, cars spinning in the street, roofs falling," said another Cuban citizen.

The streets of Havana present a desolate appearance dominated by mountains of rubble, uprooted trees, fallen electrical poles and demolished houses. "He took everything," lamented another neighbor who saw his home destroyed.

Car overturned after the passage of the tornado / Sergio Alejandro Gómez - Cubadebate

In addition to the material damage whose real extent is unknown so far, the tornado that hit Havana this Sunday leftat least three dead and 172 injured.

HeDaughters of Galicia Maternal Hospital, located in the Havana municipality of 10 de Octubre, was evacuated by firefighters and Red Cross volunteers.

The specialists assured that although heavy rains and winds had been reported in the Cuban capital, the development of a tornado can only be warned minutes in advance.

What do you think?


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Jose Nacher

CiberCuba journalist. Graduate in Journalism from the CEU Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia, Spain. Editor at Siglo XXI, Agencia EFE, Las Provincias y El Mundo.

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