UNE stops the payment of electricity bills through electronic platforms

The Cuban company said it has server problems so it will not be able to charge users through mobile applications enabled for this service.

Aplicación cubana Transfermóvil © Tribuna de La Habana
Cuban Transfermóvil application Photo © Tribuna de La Habana

This article is from 1 year ago

The Electrical Union of Cuba (UNE) suspended the payment of electricity through electronic platforms such as ENZONA and Transfermóvil because they claim to have "technical problems in the servers."

"The payment of the electricity bill through the electronic platforms Transfermóvil and ENZONA is stopped due to technical problems in the servers. We are working to restore the service in the shortest time possible," UNE reported on its official Facebook profile.

Facebook UNE Electrical Union

Hesuspension period of this service It was not defined by the UNE in its note. Transfermóvil and ENZONA are mobile applications widely used by Cubans because they avoid having to wait in long lines at the offices of state companies to pay for services.

It's not the first time you're heremobile applications created by the Cuban government present technical problems or suddenly interrupt and modify their services.

In July the Cuban Telecommunications Company (ETECSA)limited operations to its users daily recharges to mobile phones, through the Transfermóvil application. They did so without prior notice and later stated that they "made adjustments to this platform to ensure it works better."

A month beforeThey interrupted the payment service by ENZONA. This digital platform had technical problems that ETECSA and the company Xetid attributed to "a complex failure in the Data Center infrastructure."

Cubans not only complain about the difficulties in the payment service, but also about the increase in the cost of electrical service despite the blackouts of more than 12 continuous hours.

In September, the Guantánamo Electric Company held citizens responsible for theincrease in electricity rates.

The commercial director of that state entity, Moraima Montoya Moreira, assured that this is due to a "concentration of the load" because what people did in one day is done in 4 or 6 hours when they have power and that leads to an increase Of consumption.

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