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Authorities create WhatsApp group for fuel at Vedado gas station

Without a doubt, misery creates “good managers” and conformists applaud them, believing that the problem to be solved is the distribution of scarcity.

Cola en gasolinera Tángana (imagen de archivo) © CiberCuba
Queue at Tángana gas station (archive image) Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 1 year ago

Betweenthe fuel debacle unleashed in Cuba, local authorities created a WhatsApp group to inform vehicle owners of the availability of fuel at a gas station in Vedado.

The president of the Popular Council Rampa,Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona, is responsible for an “initiative” that aims to “make life more temporary” for the distressed Havana drivers who, these days, make pilgrimages from gas station to gas station in search of some fuel.

Screenshot Facebook / Havana Tribune

Pedro Lizardo “created a WhatsApp [group] and it will no longer be necessary to spend days and entire mornings to buy fuel,” celebrated a social media user whose publication was picked up by the official newspaper.Havana Tribune.

As explained by the local ruler's eulogist, "in this application the amount of fuel received (sic) in the CUPET will be given, and how many cars it is enough for."

How does the system designed by the president of the Popular Council Rampa work? Very easy: “You. You put yourself on the list, take your number and you should not go there [at the gas station] until you check your WhatsApp and it will appear [see] from which number to which number the fuel received reaches.”

“But in addition, it was determined that to get on the list you must have the vehicle, with the Driver's License in your name. No more 'I dialed for five or more' or 'six or more people come with me,'" explained the user identified inFacebook like Felix Herrera.

According to this source, in Cuba “we need many Pedros” for things to go better “and for us to be a little happier.”

“With this writing I am not saying that everything is perfect, but without a doubt it is much better than what existed, which was a real shamelessness. Bribery prevailed, there were already coleros selling shifts for 1,500 or 2,000 pesos (as happens in the CUPET on Zapata and 4) and other 'etc.' that we all know," he stated.

Without a doubt, misery creates “good managers” and conformists applaud them, believing that the problem to be solved is the distribution of scarcity.

“We all know and know that 100 or 200 cars have been dispatched and the line has NOT been long. Example: on Saturday itself, right there in Tángana… What happened today? In two hours, almost 200 cars have been dispatched!”

Did the initiative of this “framework” of “continuity” solve the problem of shortages? No; It only organized the queue and – in theory – avoided the unpleasantness of waiting for consumers who have smartphones.

However, “the very quick action of comrade” Pedro Lizardo moved Herrera, who recognized his spark to activate “mechanisms and controls for the good of the population”, something that apparently he had already done using the same application during the coronavirus pandemic. to organize the queues in “the Cimex and TRD stores in their Council, with excellent results.”

“We sincerely congratulate this cadre or leader for his total dedication to the well-being of the people. Selfless, selfless and hard-working person. Just to say that from 9:00 a.m. I was in this battle and it was almost 4:00 p.m. and I had not had lunch,” concluded the potential biographer of the president of the Rampa Popular Council.

Pedro Lizardo, "always carries a pocket version of the Constitution of the Republic under his shoulder as if it were the Bible," according toCubadebate.

It doesn't solve anything with it, but with the application created by the UkrainianJan came when it arrived in the United States, and later bought by the owner of Facebook,Mark Zuckerberg, the "cadre" of the Rampa Popular Council restores a modicum of dignity to the people that the Cuban regime treats as part of its flock.

Although arising from the mentality of "creative resistance", Pedro Lizardo's "initiative" surpasses any effort made by the strategist and rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel and its impotent executive. Between organizing the queue, or recognizing that"We are not sure how we will get out of this", wins the management of the first. It's a shame that the latter has just started the second term of his term.

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