Unión Eléctrica announces another Sunday of blackouts in Cuba: "They are laughing at the people"

“Every day is the same,” concluded another Cuban fed up with a situation that takes on the edge of an eternal curse under the government of so-called “continuity.”

Cae la noche en Cuba (imagen de referencia) © Facebook / Naturaleza Secreta
Night falls in Cuba (reference image) Photo © Facebook / Secret Nature

The “information note” of theElectrical Union of Cuba (UNE) for this Sunday he announcedanother day of blackouts, which motivated comments of indignation among users, tired of a situation that they considered “a mockery” to those affected.

“For the peak hour, an availability of 2,400 MW and a maximum demand of 2,620 MW is estimated, for a deficit of 220 MW, so if the expected conditions continue, an impact of 290 MW is forecast during this time,” the report said. of the UNE insocial networks.

Screenshot Facebook / A

One more day, one more weekend, one more month, one more year... the situation with electricity generation and supply in Cuba is going from bad to worse, despite the propaganda efforts of the regime presided over by the ruler.Miguel Diaz-Canel.

Tired of promises of improvement, of strategies to stabilize the SEN, of exhortations to save, of blue unicorns and renewable energies, the Cuban people endure their miserable situation under the rule of a “state terrorism” that strikes down those who dare to denounce it. , as happened this Friday with the protesters who participated in the August 2022 protests in Nuevitas.

Convicted with sentences of up to 15 years in prison, 14 young Cubans from that town received a total of 138 years in prison for exercising their right to protest. Of them, 11 were sentenced for the alleged crime of “sedition”, and punished with prison sentences of 10 years or more.

However, the indignation of Cubans finds channels through the internet and social networks, where they express their opinions and critical comments about the government's terrible management and shape the widespread perception of Cuba as a failed state.

“They are laughing at the people even more, please!” said a Cuban woman fed up with the UNE's forecasts and news reports. “Because if it's a small deficit, they take it away for five hours?” asked another user.

“This is just to justify that the same old ones will be turned off for five or more hours. Palpable example: San Antonio de los Baños. There is no conscience in this far west, because that is what this country is: a West,” another protested, criticizing the prevailing inequality and injustice.

“I don't understand, because, if there is almost no demand, then why are they having blackouts of more than 3 hours? It is a lack of respect. Right now in Matanzas, without power since 8 in the morning. The account does not work,” warned an Internet user.

“Grab a calculator. 'The list does not match the ticket.' Me in blackout. They don't even respect us on the weekend,” said another Cuban who, like many others, called attention to the incomprehensible arithmetic of the blackouts in Cuba.

“If the reserve is 180 megawatts higher than demand, why do they have to affect 200 megawatts during the daytime?” asked one. “I really don't understand that math… I'm going to brain die,” said another.

“Break my head! If availability is greater than demand, why does it affect? I have a stroke. Maybe I have to start first grade again,” complained a third.

“Why fight, if in the end the blackouts are here to stay. Nobody fixes that. Problems are solved with actions, not words. Every day is the same,” concluded another Cuban fed up with a situation that takes on the edge of an eternal curse under the government of so-called “continuity.”

What do you think?


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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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