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Blackouts continue in Cuba: "There is no deficit on May Day!"

“The blackout party continues. They came to stay. On the first day the thermoelectric plants are fixed, and on the second they break down,” noted another user on the UNE social networks.

Imágenes del pasado primero de mayo en Baracoa © Facebook / RadioBaracoa
Images from last May 1st in Baracoa Photo © Facebook / RadioBaracoa

Theblackouts They do not give a break to the Cubans, who this Monday read again in the “informative note” of theElectrical Union of Cuba (UNE) that electricity generation in the country will be deficient.

“For the peak hour, an availability of 2,420 MW and a maximum demand of 2,680 MW is estimated, for a deficit of 260 MW, so if the expected conditions continue, an impact of 330 MW is forecast during this time,” the company indicated. state in itssocial networks.

Screenshot Facebook / A

In August 2022, at the height of the fuel crisis and increase in endless blackouts in Cuba, the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel promised"minimize outages before the end of the year and develop investments and maintenance in 2023 to achieve stability" in the electricity supply.

In that sense, the engineer and Doctor Díaz-Canel explained the objectives of his strategy to recover the national electroenergy system (SEN), among which he included "changing the country's energy matrix."

His plan did not work in 2023 and seems doomed to failure in 2024 as well, but the energy crisis that Cuba is going through goes back much further in time, reaching the “energy revolution” that entailedthe distributed generation imposed by the dictator Fidel Castro, a solution that continues sleeping eternal sleep.

One year after the annual balance of the Ministry of Energy and Mines held in April 2023,The promise to stabilize the SEN throughout that year has remained unfulfilled, like so many others made by the so-called “continuity” government.

Faced with this situation, Cubans continue to show their discomfort on social networks. This Monday, the comments on UNE's Facebook showed the indignation and helplessness that reigns among the clients of the company he runs.Alfredo Lopez Valdes.

“There is no deficit on May Day,” said one user, echoing a widespread suspicion among Cubans about the thoughtful scheduling of the blackouts in Cuba.

“The blackout party continues. They came to stay. On the first day the thermoelectric plants are fixed, and on the second day they break down,” said another regarding the same idea.

"And we go on. Until the first one, there will be no deficit. From then on, we go for more… For more blackouts”; “On day two, deficit when the May Day parade ends. Without words,” others commented.

“You are a movie. That's your thing, giving people blackouts. Ah, but you'll see how the power doesn't go out on May 1st. Day when the hedgehogs and sheep go on parade, and nothing has happened here #noalparadefirstMay. Don't go parading, show respect,” concluded another Cuban fed up with the situation.

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