Concern about wave of violence in Mayarí, Holguín: "It got out of control"

Mayarí has emerged in recent months as one of the territories in which violence has increased exponentially in Cuba, something that keeps its residents in suspense.

The Holguín municipality ofMayari has emerged in recent months as one of the territories in which violence has increased exponentially in Cuba, something that keeps its residents in suspense.

Just last weekend, at least three young people were stabbed, as revealed toCyberCuba, Adri Díaz, a Cuban native of that Holguín town but resident in Miami.

A video sent to our editorial team - which has been widely disseminated online in recent hours - shows a young man moments after being stabbed.

In the images, the young man is seen conscious but weak while he is helped by witnesses who sat him in a chair to transfer him to a hospital.

Our source revealed thatThe young man was stabbed on the night of Sunday, January 14. He is admitted to a hospital in the city of Holguín, in stable condition and without damage to important organs.

A teenager was also a victim of violence,barely 16 years old, who in his case was stabbed at a “quince party” on Saturday, January 13.Díaz revealed to our media that the minor is in serious condition and that the person who stabbed him is in custody.

The aggressor claimed before the authorities that he did not remember what happened because he was apparently under the effects of the drug. drug known as “chemical”, which has become a true scourge, given its proliferation among Cuban youth.

Teenager stabbed last weekend

“The youth of that town are consuming a type of drug that, according to what I am informed, leads to murder and seeing blood flow.”, indicated the source.

"Mayarí got out of control. Every day they kill someone or someone disappears, or they break in to steal. There are two missing women"concluded Adri Díaz.

“Prohibit all 15th birthday parties with discotheques. Mayarí is becoming a town of a lot of violence and the nightclubs are causing problems. Be careful, my people, they are beating and stabbing,” an anonymous Internet user suggested in recent days in a local Facebook group.

Capture of Facebook/Revolico Mayari

On Tuesday of this same week the CubanAliuska Carmenate was brutally murdered by her partnerin the Guaro town, also in the Mayarí municipality, in the province of Holguín. The woman was attacked with a machete and her throat was slit.

In recent days, several residents in MayariThey have turned to social networks to express growing concern about what is happening in that Holguín territory.

"Gentleman, what is happening with Mayarí? Murderers, deaths of innocent people, robberies, assaults on older people and women, on young girls. Many bad things are happening," noted Internet user William Pico and called on young people to calm down.

"Death or killing for money is not the solution to problems, there are only more problems, mothers who are left suffering", he added, and noted that in the meantime the police "are conspicuous by their absence."

"Now is when they have to pick up sticks and beat the murderers, robbers and thieves, as they did on July 11 when the young people were only asking for freedom," he reproached the authorities.

"They don't realize that every day is something new. The streets are no longer safe. The nights have become dangerous. How long is this, buddy?" questioned Pico, who said that despite everything She doesn't want to give up raising her children in Mayari.

Facebook Capture/William Pico

The concern does not date from the beginning of 2024, December left the experience of an entire people united in thesearch for Eugenio García, a young man who disappeared after several days,He was found dead with signs of violence. The motive for the murder in that case was the theft of one million pesos that the victim was going to exchange for foreign currency.

"Town of Mayarí, a wave of violence has broken out in our municipality. Every now and then we hear that someone was assaulted on the promenade or something was snatched from them." [...] We have to be alert about this situation. This town has always been quiet and things are happening, but one of the causes is the darkness that we have in the town. All the streets are dark and thieves take advantage of that darkness to attack. To the authorities of this municipality, please, what are you waiting for? What are the dead? They have just illuminated the municipality. We can no longer go out at night because we are in the dark," claimed one Internet user at the end of December.

Facebook Capture/Rebolico Mayarí Holguín

Unfortunately, almost a month later the situation not only persists, but also seems to have worsened, in a climate of growing violence that encompasses all the provinces of the country and that keeps the question in the air: for how long?

What do you think?


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