Argentina affirms that there are groups of Cubans infiltrated to generate unrest

“Leftist governments work together to try to sabotage those who are not like them,” said Javier Milei in a recent interview.

“Disguised as photographers”, this is how the president of Argentina described,Javier Miley, to alleged “infiltrated agents” from Cuba and Venezuela, who would be undermining their authority in the country and promoting discontent among the population that would produce a social uprising.

In a recent interview withFinancial Times (FT), the Argentine president ruled out that his economic plan would generate an uprising by his detractors, but did not eliminate the possibility that "there may be an event with political motivations or foreign infiltrators."

"There is zero chance of a social uprising occurring, unless there is a politically motivated event or (one that involves) foreign infiltrators," Milei told reporters on Thursday.FT.

In his statements, the libertarian politician and scourge of socialism in the region, mentioned the existence of Venezuelan and Cuban activists who had participated in the recent protests camouflaged as photographers, and assured that “left-wing governments work together to try to sabotage those who They are not like them,” according toInfobae.

“Unfortunately it is like that. It is proven,” the Minister of Foreign Affairs, International Trade and Worship of the Argentine Republic (MRECIC) later stated.Diana Elena Mondino, invited to the Argentine channel's talk showGrab the Shovel.

“Remember that in the riots that occurred in Chile two years ago, there were also people from other countries who apparently have a significant degree of preparation,” said the Argentine chancellor.

According to Mondino, the objective of these alleged “infiltrated agents” is to “make trouble.” Likewise, he pointed out that they could be paid by sectors interested in overthrowing the Milei government through a large social mobilization.

These alleged agents “had greater freedom to enter and leave Argentina with the previous government and their actions had no consequences,” Mondino highlighted in the program. “The prize for removing Javier must be very large,” suggested the Milei minister.

In July 2022, the Chilean portalThe bookcase stood outthe return as political commissar of the Cuban embassy in that country of the Cuban intelligence agentArmando Rosendo Guerra Funcasta, linked to destabilizing actions in Latin America and Spain.

Guerra Funcasta had already been in Chile between October 2018 and February 2020, where he was identified as one of the articulators of the social outbreak of 2019, as responsible for Cuban intelligence in the Andean country.

“In the months of October and November 2019, when serious riots intensified in the streets of Santiago de Chile and other cities thatThey put the Government of Sebastián Piñera on the ropes, several Chilean media and Cuban dissidents pointed him out as one of the instigators of that revolt,” revealed a report in the newspaperABC in March 2021, which exposed Guerra asleader of a spy network in Spain.

Guerra Funcasta graduated in 1994 from the Adriana Corcho Higher Institute of Intelligence. “He is an old Cuban intelligence officer. Something very interesting is that he held front positions in the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the People (ICAP),” he said in March 2021.Enrique Garcia, former officer of the Intelligence Directorate (DI), in statements to the Chilean media.

However, the alleged presence of Cuban “infiltrated agents” in Argentina has not been proven by the San Martín Palace. Despite the obvious links of the Cuban regime with previous Peronist governments, the MRECIC did not provide evidence of this alleged infiltration or its activities against the Milei government.

In October 2019, the then Minister of Security of Argentina in the government ofMauricio Macri, Patricia Bullrich -who now repeats his position with the Milei executive- said in a radio interview thatHe had no information that confirmed the presence of infiltrators from Cuba and Venezuela inprotests in Chile, where at least 15 people died.

"I did not have information on whether or not there were SEBIN detainees as was circulating on the networks. I do not have it, I do not have that information," said Bullrich when asked if he had news about infiltrators from Cuba and Venezuela in the Chilean conflict.

However, at the end of December and after Milei's arrival at the Casa Rosada, Bullrich indicated that his country was investigating the possible involvement of Cuban and Venezuelan agents in the organization of demonstrations against the Argentine government.

Although she refused to offer specific data to the local press, the minister closed the comment with a brief phrase: "Work is being done."

His statements provoked an angry response from the Cuban regime's foreign ministry. Through the general director of Latin America and the Caribbean at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba,Eugenio Martínez Enriquez, the regime assured that it does not interfere in Argentina's internal affairs.

"We have observed slanderous attempts to associate Cuba with the alleged agitation or preparation of acts of vandalism in the Republic of Argentina. I categorically affirm that Cuba does not promote, participate in, or execute acts that constitute interference in the internal affairs of Argentina," Martínez said.

The Cuban diplomat insisted that "the narrative that seeks those responsible in Cuba for internal situations in Argentina is a failed attempt to find causes where they should not be sought."

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