They denounce the alleged arrest of a Cuban for posting on Facebook against the blackouts

The young woman who denounces this alleged case of repression in Cuba did not identify herself, but said she was a resident of Las Tunas.

A Cuban woman, resident in Las Tunas, reported the alleged arrest of her husband for making a Facebook post complaining about the blackouts.

The young woman assured that after a day of long power outages, when they only had electricity service for four hours, her outraged husband made a very brief Facebook post that said: "They turn on the power for four hours, they take it off for five and six. Are we going to stay like this?"

An hour after publishing the short text on the social network, this young woman claims that they received an unexpected visit from a State Security officer at their home.

"She was trying to coerce my husband to remove the post. My husband said he had to think about it and that he was going to remove it, but there was no power or connection. We went to sleep and the next day, at 6:30 "We had four police patrol cars in the house," the young woman said.

She claims that the police arrived with a search warrant to seize her husband's phone. They took him prisoner and until now he is detained in a place unknown to her.

The young woman's complaint was shared by journalist Mario J. Pentón on social networks, who called for making this case visible because it shows how the Cuban regime represses the people so that they do not protest in the streets.

Some people on the networks have asked the young woman to prove the arbitrary detention, but most of the comments on this case are in support of her statements, because Cubans assure that these arbitrary detentions are happening on the island.

This Sunday the situation in Cuba was especially turbulent. Protests were held in different cities of the country such as Santiago de Cuba, Bayamo and Cárdenas.

The population took to the streets to protest against the government due to continuous blackouts, food shortages and lack of freedoms, includinglack of freedom of expression that is suffered in Cuba.

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