Emotional: Limay Blanco shows how they delivered a donation sent from Miami to Cuba

The donation was aimed at families with children. Many little ones received basic necessities and also some sweets.

The Cuban comedianLimay Blanco, leader of the "Christ Changes Life" Ministry, shared an emotional video on his social networks where he showed the great reach that the donation from a group of Cubans in Miami had for vulnerable children and families in Cuba.

Limay explained that about 40 people in Miami and a few more on the island participated in this initiative. However, the scope of everything raised was very large. They were able to bring a smile of hope to dozens of Cuban families.

"Look at everything 'The 40' did. They filled almost a container," Limay said. He explained that in Cuba, 6 fans, 3 queen pots and 3 rice cookers were purchased with the money raised.

8 fans, 5 rice cookers and a television were sent from Miami. The donation also included wheelchairs, medicines, clothes, shoes, hygiene products and food.

Limay explained that it took seven days to deliver the donation. They delivered 15 daily shifts to vulnerable families. There were many children among the people who attended, so they also collected soft drinks and food so they could have a snack while they waited.

"They tried to give everyone two changes of clothes and a pair of shoes. (...) Remember that there is more blessing in giving than in receiving," said Limay.

The administrator of the Fishing in Miami website was the promoter of this project. The collection ofdonation was made on April 7 in Tropical Park, Miami. Then they had the support of José Ramírez's agency, one of the people who helps Limay Blanco the most in this cause.

Last week Lino Bárbaro Tomasen, known as "The Iron Man",delivered a wheelchair to a young woman with mobility problems in Cuba. The equipment had arrived as a donation from Miami.

"That's what I call love between brothers. Together we change the world. It's enough that we make one person happy and we are already making someone's world happy," said the Iron Man about the donation.

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