Limay Blanco visits Changuito, founding musician of Los Van Van in need of help

Limay Blanco responded to the request for help for Changuito.

Limay Blanco This Tuesday morning he visited the percussionist José Luis Quintana Fuentes, founder of Los Van Van known as "Changuito", with the willingness to help him after the petition launched on social networks by Giraldo Piloto, who announced the poor conditions in which the musician lives.

Upon arriving at the Limay home, he saw first-hand the general poverty in which Quintana Fuentes, whoHe lost a leg not long ago as a result of gangrene, as revealed by the musician's son, who is the one who lives with him.

in pleasantcharla Limay confirmed that Changuito still feels passionate about his profession and that he tries to exercise actively despite his enormous health limitations.

“There are things I do that no one can,” he proudly boasted about his musical abilities.

Changuito's son said that he was crying until dawn because of the ugly comments he read on social networks after Giraldo Piloto's request that went viral in the last few hours.

He clarified that his father is not an alcoholic and that it has been a very hard period for them because during the pandemic his mother died and the following year Changuito's leg was cut off.

“We happen things. Unfortunately, we had to sell the house we had because my father was hospitalized.", admitted the young man - who is also making his first steps in music - in reference to the family home they had in the Guiteras neighborhood.

“I drink normal, a normal whiskey, one… People talk a lot of nonsense. "I'm not up to that."said Changuito, who defended himself against accusations that called him an alcoholic.

At the relaxed gathering, Changuito and his son improvised a percussion song together, shared old videos of Los Van Van with their memorable improvisations and even showed one of the Grammys that the musician won.

The musician - nicknamed "Changuito the mysterious" - ended up calling Limay “sobri” and gave him some glasses that he says he had kept for many years, something that pleased the comedian who says that he never gets anything as a gift.

After coming into contact with the reality of the retired and sick artist, Limay Blanco asked his followers for help to buy the percussionist a refrigerator, a queen pot, a rice cooker, an electric stove, a fan, a door, some food and a set of furniture.

The accounts released for those interested in helping are:


MN 9227 9598 7190 6777.

MLC 9225 9598 7542 0942.

Confirm 52732624.

Help for Changuito

It was the Cuban musician Giraldo Piloto whorequested help this Monday for the prominent percussionist. Pilot showed during a live inFacebook the poor condition of the door and the ceiling, he explained that it was necessary to change these and other elements in the house.

“Give me ideas and we'll get him involved, support the man who deserves it,” he said from Changuito's house, whom he described as “legend of percussion in Cuba”.

However, it is not the first time that the founding musician of the famous Los Van Van orchestra has suffered helplessness from the regime.

In the year 2022, Yudianis Quintana, daughter of the percussionist, demanded that theCuban Institute of Music support his father, who needed to be hospitalized.

“Hello, I just want to inform you something: Daddy's health depends on a call from the Institute. I'm just going to wait for an answer.I need an income for my father. My brother and I have been doing this for two weeks.”, he then demanded on Facebook.

Thanks to his complaint and initiative to publicly call out the regime for ignoring the musician's health situation, Yudianis managed to have his father admitted immediately.

The day after her first publication, the daughter of the famous percussionist also reported on Facebook thatHis father had a bad leg, complicated by waiting for admission.. The outcome of that health incident was that the musician's leg was cut off.

Born on January 18, 1948 in Casablanca, Havana, Changuito is considered one of the greatest Cuban percussionists of all time. He received his nickname in 1964 from pianist, conductor and composer Felipe Dulzaides, when he was in the pop-rock group Los Armónico.

In his long career he was a professor of music at the Higher Institute of Art (ISA) of Cuba. Until his health deteriorated, he attended the most important training institutions in the world, including the School of Modern Music in New York and Berklee University in Boston.

In an interview with the newspaperWorkers In the distant 2014, when asked what he still needed to do, he answered the following:

"Musically everything is fine, I am satisfied. I have won three Grammys, although sometimes I wonder if they were not made in the Antillana de Acero because no one talks about them. The first was with the American musician Roy Hargrove and his crucible, for the CD Habana (1998) There were also Chucho Valdés, Miguel Angá Díaz and Horacio el Negro Hernández. The second and third were Latin Grammys for the CDs La rumba soy yo (2001) and Lágrimas negra (2002), the latter with Diego El Cigala. and Bebo Valdés".

He also spoke then of some "pending projects" and expressed his desire for a school that would bear his name.

"They have proposed to me to found it in Colombia, also in Brazil, but I would prefer it to be in Old Havana. That would make me happy," concluded on that occasion "Changuito the mysterious", the same one who cries out for help today.

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