Blackout reported at the Oncological Hospital of Santiago de Cuba

"The nurses and we are shining the phone flashlight on each other," a patient reported.

Pacientes del Hospital Oncológico de Santiago de Cuba (Imagen de referencia) © Hospital Oncológico "Conrado Benítez García" / Facebook
Patients at the Oncological Hospital of Santiago de Cuba (Reference image) Photo © "Conrado Benítez García" Oncological Hospital / Facebook

Patients and companions at the Santiago de Cuba Oncological Hospital reported on Wednesday a blackout that began in the afternoon and lasted several hours.

As revealed in Facebook the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta LabradaAt 7:30 pm there was no electricity in the institution.

The explanation they were given was that the power plant or generator set did not have the oil it needed and the prediction was that they would have to work without electricity for a few hours.

"The nurses and we are lighting ourselves with the phone flashlight," denounced one affected person. "We called the Party and everywhere and they still keep cutting us off."

Captura de Facebook / Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

More than a hundred people commented indignantly on the publication, concerned about the situation of cancer patients, many of whom depend on electronic devices for their treatments.

Others said that blackouts and problems with the plant are not new at that hospital.

"Since my father was admitted (and he has been dead for a year and a half now) the plant already had problems, radiation could not be given when there was no power because it consumed a lot and overloaded the generating set that was already damaged and had problems. "I don't even want to imagine what it will be like now," Alma Mía said.

"It's not just the Oncology Hospital, Infantil Sur, La Colonia, is in the same situation. To go there you have to first ask if the guard room has electricity," denounced Anny Rambla.

"The Oncological Hospital and the Sur Maternal Hospital belong to the same circuit and they are removing the power every day, it doesn't seem to me that the plants can withstand it. But hey, if they did a cytological test on me with a cell phone flashlight, it is possible that they would do births and operations as well," said Deysi Román Barbier.

"I only have one question... And how are the patients who have life support maintained? Because perhaps there are some cases that are at risk. The problems with the electrical fluid are known and known, but these hospital sectors are not concerned. There should be a lack of electricity due to the danger to the lives of their patients," stressed Ernesto de La Paz Gonzáles.

On Wednesday, they registered 24-hour blackouts due to a deficit greater than 1200 MW, shows that the electricity crisis is getting worse by the day.

Reality once again exceeded the prediction of the Electrical Union experts, who had announced an impact of 810 MW. At 8:50 pm, values of 1268 MW were recorded, 458 more than the estimate.

The company also indicated that Blackouts will increase during the month of June due to the increase in maintenance work at several thermoelectric plants.

"As has been reported in these months from January to June, maintenance activities at Thermal, Energy and Distributed Generation Plants are increased with the purpose of reaching the months of greatest consumption and electricity demand, which are July and August, months in addition, the rest of the population," explained the entity.

The Union stated that it will comply with "the maintenance plan until the last days of June" in order to minimize the effects in the summer.

However, in July and August there will also be blackouts "if there are some unforeseen outages of generation units."

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