They predict another day of blackouts in Cuba with impacts of more than 800 MW

They predict a strong deficit in electricity generation capacity also during the day.

 © Facebook/Unión Eléctrica UNE
Photo © Facebook/Unión Eléctrica UNE

Today, the drama of blackouts does not give any signs of improvement in Cuba either, a situation that has millions of Cubans very upset, mainly in the interior of the country, where they suffer the most virulently from power cuts.

The Electrical Union (UNE) of Cuba reported this Wednesday that the service was affected this Tuesday due to a deficit in generation capacity during 24 hours a day, a circumstance that has become recurrent in recent days.

The maximum impact figure was 893 MW at 8:40 p.m.

The outlook does not improve much in view of the forecast for this Wednesday, when A maximum impact of 810 MW is forecast during peak hours.

The availability of the National Electroenergy System (SEN) at 7:00 a.m. As of May 8, it was 2,067 MW and the demand was 2,370 MW, with 385 MW affected by a deficit in generation capacity.

A daytime impact is estimated that will be at the average of 700 MW for the second consecutive day.

At this time, only unit 2 of the CTE Felton is out of service due to a breakdown.

Units 1 and 3 of the CTE Santa Cruz, unit 6 of the CTE Nuevitas, unit 8 of the CTE Mariel and unit 1 of the CTE Felton are under maintenance.

34 distributed generation plants are out of service due to lack of fuel, with 290 MW affected by this concept.

The limitations on thermal generation are 403 MW.

For the peak hour, the entry of Distributed Generation engines that are awaiting maintenance and their use is authorized with 71 MW, the entry of four engines in the Melones basin with 72 MW and the entry of Generation engines Distributed that are outside by fuel, with 100 MW.

With this forecast, an availability of 2310 MW and a maximum demand of 3050 MW are estimated for the peak hour. for a deficit of 740 MW.

This implies that, if the forecast conditions continue, an impact of 810 MW is forecast for peak hour., just 70 MW fewer blackouts compared to the previous day's forecast.

As happens in every part of the UNE, dozens of Internet users have reacted to the announcement, some with indignation and others using irony.

"Thank goodness Diazca is around Russia solving all these problems", a commentator jokingly stated in relation to Miguel Díaz-Canel's current visit to Russia.

There were also several Internet users who reiterated the injustice of the blackouts falling only in the provinces, while Havana "remains intact."

"Death on time. This is the gift of each dawn for us in the provinces. The green areas!", complained a woman living in the interior of the country.

A month and a half before summer officially begins, Cubans fear what is coming. Like every year, the proximity of the massive increase in consumption suggests that the worst is yet to come.

Jose Miguel Solís, a Matanzas journalist specialized in electricity generation in the country, described the energy panorama as "tense" this Monday.

The situation, furthermore, does not seem to be improving in the coming days after the announcement of the shutdown this Monday for "scheduled maintenance", and for 25 days, of unit 1 of the Felton thermoelectric plant.

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