For the second consecutive day, the Electrical Union (UNE) of Cuba predicts blackouts that exceed 1,000 MW.
The UNE reported today that on Thursday the service was affected due to a deficit in generation capacity 24 hours a day, a circumstance that has become common in recent days.
The maximum impact figure yesterday was 1,161 MW at 8:40 p.m.
The outlook does not improve much in view of the forecast for today, when A maximum impact of 1,095 MW is forecast during peak hours.
The availability of the National Electroenergy System (SEN) at 7:00 a.m. As of May 10, it was 1,900 MW and the demand was 2,550 MW, with 690 MW affected by a deficit in generation capacity.
A daytime impact is estimated to be on average 850 MW.
At this time, unit 2 of the Felton CTE and are out of service due to a breakdown. unit 5 of the CTE Renté; The latter broke down during the current week.
Units 1 and 3 of the CTE Santa Cruz, unit 6 of the CTE Nuevitas, unit 1 of the CTE Felton and units 6 and 8 of the CTE Mariel are under maintenance.
43 distributed generation plants and the Regla plant are out of service due to lack of fuel, with 408 MW affected by this concept. The limitations on thermal generation are 320 MW. For this Friday's peak hour, the entry of Distributed Generation engines that are awaiting maintenance is expected and their use with 85 MW is authorized.
The entry of six engines into the Regla pond with 50 MW is also expected, the entry of unit 5 of the CTE Renté with 60 MW and the entry of Distributed Generation engines that are out for fuel, with 80 MW.
After the usual formulas for adding and subtracting daily MW, an availability of 2,175 MW and a maximum demand of 3,200 MW are estimated for the peak hour. for a deficit of 1,025 MW.
This implies that, if the planned conditions are maintained, an impact of 1,095 MW is forecast for peak hour.
The Havana Electric Company has also predicted blackouts for today in some areas of the Habana del Este municipality. In the case of the capital, the interruptions today will be four hours, between 10 and 2 in the afternoon.
"Taking into account the generation deficit reported for May 10 in the National Electric System, it will be necessary to affect the electrical service to the capital's clients associated with #Bloque No.3, during the hours between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.", indicated the published note.
As happens in every part of the UNE, dozens of Internet users have reacted to the announcement with indignation.
"Hurry up, by Mother's Day we will be at 2,000 MW", anticipated one Internet user, foreseeing the worst for the weekend.
Not only is there no sign of improvement in Cuba, the drama of the blackouts, a situation that has millions of Cubans very upset, but also the UNE itself admitted in recent days that The situation will remain critical until the end of June due to the increase in maintenance work at several Thermoelectric Power Plants (CTE).
"As has been reported in these months from January to June, maintenance activities at Thermal, Energy and Distributed Generation Plants are increased with the purpose of reaching the months of greatest consumption and electricity demand, which are July and August, months in addition, the rest of the population", explains a note posted by the entity in Facebook.
The UNE justified "the maintenance plan until the last days of June" in order to minimize the effects in the summer. They clarified, however, that in July and August there will also be blackouts "if there are some unforeseen outages of Generation Units."
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