The Party is On in Milan! Marc Anthony and Gente de Zona, together on stage.

Alexander Delgado and Randy Malcom had a very special guest at their concert in Italy.

What an unforgettable night the fans of Gente de Zona experienced this weekend in Milan. During their concert in the Italian city, they had the special guest Marc Anthony himself, with whom they sang "La Gozadera," one of their greatest hits.

The two Cuban artists, Alexander Delgado and Randy Malcom, performed their hits for their audience in Milan, a magical night in which they were joined on stage by their friend Marc Anthony. The highlight of the evening was when they performed "La Gozadera" together.

The interpreters of "Patria y Vida" have made us witnesses of this great moment they lived, sharing on their social media photos together with the interpreter of "Vivir mi vida", with whom they have a strong professional and personal relationship. Their chemistry is evident!

Those in attendance at the concert also shared on their Instagram stories the moment when Marc Anthony came out on stage to join his colleagues in singing his song.

Milano left us speechless. Pure #Gozadera with dad @marcanthony," they wrote on the group's social media when sharing photos of their performance.

Despite the rain, the attendees of the show greatly enjoyed the performance by the Cubans with the surprise of listening to Marc Anthony live.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduate in Journalism from Universidad Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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