Limay asks for help for Cuban mother who sleeps in a doorway with three girls

The woman placed a bunk bed in the doorway of an abandoned house for her 12-year-old, six-year-old, and one-year-old girls. Her belongings are under an avocado tree.

The Cuban comedian Limay Blanco asked for help for a mother of three girls who has nowhere to live and is sleeping with them in a doorway.

This Sunday, Limay went with his wife Glenda and the former boxer Lino Tomasen, known as the "Cuban Iron Man", to the neighborhood of Taco Taco, in Pinar del Río, where they checked the conditions in which that family survives.

They arrived in the town at one in the morning, during a blackout, and found the woman in the doorway of an old empty house, where the three girls aged 12, six, and one were sleeping in a double bed, while the mother tried to scare away the mosquitoes.

A few meters away, there is an avocado tree under which the mother has set up the baby's crib and the rest of her belongings. According to her, she has been in this situation since Friday when her own mother kicked her out of the house.

The visitors gave them food and a rechargeable fan for the girls.

The woman took Limay to a house located a few meters away, whose owners have it for sale for 2,000 dollars.

"With 2,000 USD you can buy a house," said Limay on his Facebook wall, where he shared a post about the visit.

Anyone who wants to help this family can do so through these accounts:

Zelle Card in MLC 9225 9598 7542 0942 and card in CUP 9227 9598 7190 6777. Confirm at 52732624.

The comedian emphasized that if the house is purchased, it will be the 40th one delivered to vulnerable families.

She also clarified that she will register it under one of the girls' names, because she found out that seven out of the 39 she has delivered have been sold.

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