Animal protectors in Havana reported on social media this Monday that they have successfully raised the funds needed to operate on Sara, one of the dogs that survived the explosion at the Saratoga hotel.
Activist Teresa Díaz announced on Facebook that they managed to collect 5,000 pesos to pay for the surgery of the dog, who has a tumor on her face, as well as the transportation needed to carry out the procedure.
"Thank you very much to everyone who helped so quickly; it's incredible the strength we have when we are united," said the activist, informing that the procedure will take place on Friday. "We will keep everyone updated," she added.
Sara was not the only dog that survived the explosion at the Saratoga Hotel in the historic center of Havana.
Sultán, who was also rescued alive from the rubble of the building adjacent to the hotel facility, returned safely with his owner's grandchildren. The dog survived for more than 48 hours among the debris.
However, the work of the dogs was vital for the rescue of the victims of the tragedy.
Five trained Labrador dogs played a crucial role in the search for survivors following the explosion.
In statements to the government-aligned portal Cubadebate, rescuers and trainers mentioned that Dianko, Tito, Xila, Yomy, and Rocky participated in that mission, the latter of whom has international experience, having been involved in rescue efforts following the earthquake that struck Ecuador in 2016.
The dogs received recognition and, above all, the gratitude of the survivors, especially Dianko, who was injured in the rubble of the collapsed building.
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