They predict a day with a record number of blackouts so far this summer in Cuba.

At 7 in the morning this Thursday, the impact was already 730 MW.

The situation with power outages in Cuba is worsening, and by this Thursday, the Electric Union (UNE) of Cuba expects an impact that during peak hours is estimated to reach 1,305 MW of outages, a record number for this summer.

Yesterday, the service was affected due to a deficit in generation capacity for 24 hours.

The maximum volume of blackouts at the national level was recorded this Wednesday at 8:50 p.m. and was 1,186 MW, which is 36 MW higher than what had been estimated.

The availability of the SEN at 7:00 a.m. today was 2,060 MW and the demand was 2,650 MW, with a significant shortfall at that time of 730 MW.

It is expected that by midday, the blackouts will reach around 950 MW due to a generation capacity deficit.

The written report from the UNE reveals that today there are two more thermoelectric units out of service due to breakdowns compared to the previous day, bringing the total to six.

They are unit 5 of the CTE Mariel, units 1 and 3 of the CTE Santa Cruz, unit 4 of the CTE Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, unit 6 of the CTE Nuevitas, and units 1 and 2 of the CTE Felton.

The limitations in thermal generation are 357 MW, slightly lower than the previous day.

36 distributed generation plants are out of service due to fuel (three more than yesterday), for a total of 183 MW affected by this issue.

For the peak, the entry of unit 5 of Energás Jaruco is estimated with 30 MW and the completion of the Combined Cycle of Energás Jaruco with 25 MW.

With this forecast, a capacity of 2,115 MW is estimated and a maximum demand of 3,350 MW, resulting in a deficit of 1,235 MW.

If the expected conditions persist, a loss of 1,305 MW is forecasted during this time, which constitutes a dramatic figure of outages in the middle of summer.

What does the general director of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mines say?

In the televised segment this Thursday, Lázaro Guerra Hernández glossed over the chaos and did not specify the reason why two units are reported to be malfunctioning today, compared to yesterday.

Guerra Hernández also said nothing about the reason for the outage of unit 5 of the CTE Mariel, nor about the shutdown of another unit in Santa Cruz, which in both cases were not reported as damaged on Wednesday.

In a report where he only provided figures and excuses, the executive did not give concrete forecasts about the reintroduction of the damaged units, and limited himself to saying that “starting tomorrow, improvements should begin to be noticeable because generating units will start to be reintroduced throughout tomorrow and the rest of the week.”

As he mentioned the day before, Lázaro Guerra said that work is ongoing to resolve the never-ending problems.

What do you think?


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