Poverty does not justify crime: A message from a young Cuban to an assailant caught in Havana.

"If I have to hit a woman to take her phone to feed my children, I would rather hang myself."

A young Cuban who participated in the capture of a motorbike robber in Havana said some striking words to the mugger that have gone viral on the Internet.

Poverty does not justify crime: this is the essence of the boy's message. In the video, he can be seen with a co-worker as they held the thief on the street, who, in broad daylight, using a knife, attacked a woman on a motorcycle and knocked her down.

"I have a mom, I have a sister, and I have a wife, and I have a thousand problems. I'm freezing, I don't have chicken here, I don't have chicken there, it's ridiculous... I'm a fighter just like you," expressed the young man.

"And that doesn't allow me, or doesn't give me the support, to assault anyone, to hit anyone, much less a woman. You're wrong, if I have to hit a woman to take her phone to feed my children, I would rather hang myself, man," he emphasized.

The incident occurred last Friday, August 30, in El Vedado.

Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona, a resident of the area, then recounted that a young woman was riding her scooter down N street between 25 and 27, very close to the Habana Libre hotel, when the criminal approached her and robbed her of her belongings.

Photo: Facebook / Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona

"The young woman went to the PNR unit to file a complaint, but workers from the underground electric company who were working at the site and neighbors witnessed how the despicable antisocial element returned to the scene to continue committing misdeeds," he detailed.

Photo: Facebook / Pedro Lizardo Garcés Escalona

"They proceeded to capture and detain him until the arrival of patrol car 659 (...). Thanks to these brave ones on the streets," he added.

The video was shared on the Facebook profile of the user MuyCubano.

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