For a laugh! Cuban mother confronts her mobile translator: "You don't understand what I'm talking about."

A Cuban mother has sparked laughter on TikTok by sharing her amusing interaction with her mobile translator.

The interaction of people with new technologies often takes center stage in moments of fun on social media, where many share amusing moments with family or friends involving them, especially when they are new to certain tools. This is the case of a Cuban mother, who has sparked laughter with her conversation with the translator...

In the video, shared on TikTok by the daughter of its protagonist (@melissanniet), the woman tries to use the translator for a specific figure but encounters some "communication problems," engaging in an entire conversation with the tool.

"She didn't get anything. Oh look, yes. Look, but you don't understand what I'm talking about," the woman tells the translator, who translates everything she says into English. "I said 6 thousand dollars and you put 60 billion," she complains, to her daughter's laughter.

"You see, now he understood it," her daughter says to her. "Well, thank you. We're even starting to get along, you and I. I'm starting to like you better," the lady says to the translator again, as if he were a person she is interacting with.

The video has caused laughter among TikTok users.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from King Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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