Díaz-Canel and Pedro Sánchez walk through Old Havana with their wives

Both Díaz-Canel and Pedro Sánchez greeted several Cubans who gathered in the area and also Spanish tourists and other nationalities.

De izquierda a derecha: Lis Cuesta, Miguel Díaz-Canel, Pedro Sánchez y su esposa, Begoña Gómez © REUTERS / Alexandre Meneghini
From left to right: Lis Cuesta, Miguel Díaz-Canel, Pedro Sánchez and his wife, Begoña Gómez Photo © REUTERS / Alexandre Meneghini

This article is from 5 years ago

Miguel Diaz-Canel and his wife, Lis Cuesta, accompanied the Spanish president this Friday, Pedro Sanchez and his wife, Begoña Gómez, on a brief walk through Old Havana, which they took in the company of the historian of Havana, Eusebio Leal.

The five walked through several streets of the most restored areas of the historic center, always attentive to the explanations of Eusebio Leal, with whom they visited the City Museum - also known among Cubans as "Museo de los Capitanes Generales" - located in arms square.

Spanish media highlight that, unlike what happened in 1999, when the Kings of Spain and President José María Aznar walked through an Old Havana closed to the public, this Friday both Díaz-Canel and Pedro Sánchez greeted several Cubans who were They gathered in the area, and also Spanish tourists and other nationalities.

Pedro Sánchez greets a Cuban (Photo: REUTERS / Stringe)

As indicated Europa Press, a group of Catalan tourists visiting Havana made reference in the middle of the street to the "political prisoners" linked to the independence process in Catalonia, which generated a moment of discomfort with the Spanish Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell.

Last night, Díaz-Canel met at the Palace of the Revolution with Pedro Sánchez, and this Friday he accompanied the Spanish delegation, first to a Spanish-Cuban business forum, and then to the Maceo's chair delivery ceremony, which will remain on loan for two years (extendable) in Cuba.

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