Cubans offer a hand in the middle of the night to those left homeless after the tornado in Havana

Many Cubans who spent the night in front of the Luyanó church received the support of those who "did not hesitate to give them a hand in these difficult times"

Jóvenes cubanos brindan apoyo a damnificados del tornado frente a la iglesia de Luyanó © Facebook / Alain Rodríguez
Young Cubans provide support to victims of the tornado in front of the Luyanó church Photo © Facebook / Alain Rodríguez

This article is from 5 years ago

The night of this Monday, January 28, surprised many Cubans in Havana without a roof under which to shelter. The strong tornado that hit some Havana towns on Sunday left hundreds of Cuban families with their homes totally or partially destroyed, in addition to four dead and 195 injured.

Even without knowing precisely the magnitude of the destruction and the amount of material damage, the images of the Havana neighborhoods affected by the EF4 magnitude tornado they leave no room for doubt impact on so many Cuban families, and the time it will take for them to be able to restore some normality in their lives.

But along with the scenes of devastation in Havana neighborhoods and the demands to the Cuban leaders for more support and fewer slogans; at street level, among neighbors and among friends solidarity has not taken long to appear.

Images released by Alain Rodríguez, known on the networks as the Cuban paparazzi, show the most genuine and authentic support that Cubans give each other in the most difficult hours.

"Hundreds of neighbors who were left homeless are in front of the Luyanó church "Today they were surprised by several young Cubans who did not hesitate to give them a hand in these difficult times," he said, along with some photos and videos that attest to the help they have given to those who have lost everything.

While these scenes of support took place in the Havana streets hardest hit by the tornado, on the steps of the University of Havana Miguel Díaz-Canel and Raúl Castro presided over a torchlight march where they called for "support for the Bolivarian revolution" and I voted yes.

Initiatives have also begun to emerge on social networks to support Cubans affected by the tornado that hit Havana last Sunday, as well as demands from personalities with a media presence, such as reggaeton singer Osmani García, for A humanitarian channel is created and tariffs are eliminated at Customs, at times when all help is more than welcome.

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