Havana residents will only be able to buy in stores that correspond to their municipalities of residence

In the case of stores, the sales and service hours will be from Monday to Saturday from 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, and Sundays from 9 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon.

Kiosko en Cuba © Escambray
Kiosk in Cuba Photo © Escambray

This article is from 3 years ago

From now on, Havana residents will only be able to buy in stores that correspond to their municipalities of residence, in order to control the coronavirus outbreak in the city.

In the Round Table program it was indicated that the transfer between municipalities of people who carry out the activities of private street vendors will be limited, with the aim that there is no mobility, and they only sell in their municipality of residence.

However, the authorities said that there are people who live in one municipality and sell in others, but "that has no problem because we need it to be sold," they specified.

In the case of stores in MLC, CUC, Ideales markets and others, the sales and service hours will be Monday to Saturday from 9 in the morning to 4 in the afternoon, and Sundays from 9 to 1 in the afternoon.

Likewise, sales can only be made to residents of the municipalities where the establishment is located, and to do so they will have to be controlled with a document that certifies them such as an identity card.

The island's government said that it was obliged to increase points of sale in municipalities that have a higher level of lack of protection, specifically increase the sale of food and hygiene in centers that are essential at this stage.

They also clarified that the sale will be limited to only food and hygiene products in CUC and national currency, and the sale will be maintained in MLC.

The sale of alcoholic beverages will not be prohibited, but it will only be for takeaway and consumption at home, not for parties, they clarify.

The authorities will reinforce the twelve entry control points to the city, and to enter and leave Havana it will be necessary to be duly authorized, and it will only be in exceptional cases.

The exit from Havana for work reasons will also be eliminated for 15 days for all organizations and institutions and from now on permanent authorizations to leave the city will be invalidated.

This Thursday the Cuban government dictateda series of disciplinary measuresthat will have to be complied with in the capital due to the increase in coronavirus cases, and said that citizens who do not comply with the new health measures will be fined 2,000 and 3,000 pesos in national currency.

Also the mobility of both people will be prohibited as well as vehicles during the hours between 7:00 in the afternoon and 5:00 in the morning, starting on September 1st.

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