First cattle slaughtered by farmers in Camagüey were sold at 60 pesos per pound

Cuban media outlets estimate that more than 600 farmers meet the requirements to slaughter and market cattle in Camagüey.

Imagen referencial © CiberCuba
Referential image Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 2 years ago

Thefirst cattle slaughtered by farmers in Camagüey They sold this week to 60 pesos a poundto residents of the Siete Palmas Community, in the head municipality of that province.

“Sethey slaughtered six cattle", and together we set the price for this first sale, at 60 pesos per pound of meat, 20 for beef and 15 for red bone," said Julio Cabrera Delgado, president of the Credit and Services Cooperative (CCS). "José Antonio Echeverría", in statements toRadio Rebelde.

They were also marketedthree pounds of beef for each of the 358 homes in Constituency number 92, from Los Pinos, and delivered free food to fifteen vulnerable families in that settlement, according to the aforementioned director.

Cabrera Delgado emphasized that they have to “be efficient, have control of the mass, and sustain the growth of the herd and the meat and milk plans, to enjoy the benefits of the new provisions.”

“We have to change the mentality; Now we can market all our productions, but we have to grow. They are revolutionary measures within the Revolution,” he concluded.

The news of the sale of beef has been received on social networks with hope by many Cubans, several ask when the sale of beef will begin in their respective provinces, others hope that the price of pork will drop in the process, and the least optimistic warn that On the island nothing lasts.“This is a smokescreen or as the philosopher Yusuam would say, more of the same”said a commenter on Facebook.

“I am happy, I am satisfied with this information, I only hope that prices are managed prudently to prevent them from skyrocketing towards infinity, as has happened with other products necessary for the majority,” wrote one Internet user.

The most realistic ones do the math and remember that there is still a long way to go to reach normality.: "Let's do a small calculation, suppose that each cow yields 600 pounds of meat, and the population of Ciego is around 100,000 inhabitants, if the sale is regulated at one pound per person, the farmers would have to kill 166 cows, That figure right now is science fiction. It is possible that in 10 years it will be achieved, but by that date I will no longer have the teeth to destroy a steak," lamented a resident of Ciego de Ávila.

There are also those who warn of potential collectors, resellers and intermediaries: "Be careful with the support, so that they are not going to become intermediary resellers and raise prices."

“Next week the business colleagues will support so much that the farmer gives them the cow in the corral and the story begins again.The justification will be the same as always: the farmer is not there to sell, he is there to produce.”said another.

Cuban media outlets estimate that more than 600 farmers comply with therequirements forslaughter and market cattle in Camagüey.

Authorities assure that in the coming days the points of sale of beef in that province will be expanded to extend them beyond the communities where the production bases are located, in accordance with the availability of each municipality.

In April of this year, the Ministry of Agriculture approved Resolution 139/2021 that authorizes the slaughter of cattle and the marketing of meat, milk and their derivatives, one of the 63 measures approved to desperately try to increase the scarce food production in the country. The measure eliminated one of the most absurd and criticized prohibitions of the Cuban government in recent decades: that farmers could not dispose of their cows.

According to Agreement 9059 of the Council of Ministers, published in theOfficial Gazette No. 31 (Extraordinary), dated April 16, 2021, were maximum prices set in Cuban pesos (CUP), by category, for the sale of “live cattle (cattle and buffalo) in the field, destined for the industry or authorized slaughterhouses.”

The maximum prices announced range from 3.45 CUP/kg for the category of “calves and heifers from 0 to 12 months” to 40.03 CUP/kg for “bovine bulls from 18 to 24 months Special Category, with more than 400”.

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