López Obrador responds to Calderón about Díaz-Canel's visit to Mexico: “It's good that he doesn't like it”

On Sunday, former President Felipe Calderón made a post on Twitter describing as "unacceptable" the presence of the Cuban leader at the events marking Mexico's 211 years of independence.

Raúl Castro junto a Felipe Calderón y Miguel Díaz-Canel con AMLO. © Cubadebate / MINREX
Raúl Castro with Felipe Calderón and Miguel Díaz-Canel with AMLO. Foto © Cubadebate / MINREX

This article is from 2 years ago

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), responded this Tuesdayto the criticism of former president Felipe Calderón about the visit of the Cuban ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel to the North American country, where he was invited for the national celebrations of September 15 and 16.

“The same thing that President Calderón just said, that, because the president of Cuba is invited, he doesn't like it. Well, it's good that he doesn't like it, it's masks!”, expressed López his morning conference from the National Palace, to defend Díaz-Canel's visit, rejected by several Mexicans and Cubans residing in that nation.

On Sunday, Calderón made a post on Twitter describing as unacceptable the presence of the Cuban leader at the events marking Mexico's 211 years of independence. “The prominence in the festivities of the bicentennial of the consummation of independence of a dictator who imprisons dozens of Cuban citizens is unacceptable,” he stated.

“It would be the last straw if, on Children's Heroes Day, which represents the fight against foreigners, a foreigner spoke,” added the former president, who headed the government from 2006 to 2012.

For his part, López Obrador recalled that Calderón met with the former Cuban president, Raúl Castro. “Nothing more than that they are very hypocritical because now we are living, well yes, a stellar moment because we can no longer pretend, each person, from their place, but this shows the low level of conservatism,” commented AMLO.

Nevertheless,The expressions of rejection of Díaz-Canel's participation in the celebrations continue, as the date of your arrival approaches.

Mexican senator Lilly Téllez, of the National Action Party (PAN), said on Twitter: “The citizens of this country reject your greetings and your presence. You, Díaz-Canel, are supported by Mexican politicians of the same ilk. You represent a bunch of parasitic scoundrels who attack freedom, human rights and democracy. “Eat and go,”remembering the phrase that was once said to the late Cuban dictator Fidel Castro in the Aztec territory.

On the same social network, the hashtags #FueraCACAnel and #CanelMexicoTeRepudia have become a trend.

Mexico celebrates the so-called Grito de Dolores or Independence on September 16, the date on which the priest Miguel Hidalgo, considered the father of the nation, called for a popular uprising in 1810. Díaz-Canel will attend the commemoration as “ guest of honor” and will accompany the Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) during the military parade of the day.

Some maintain that the Cuban president is not welcome in Mexico, for being a dictator who made Cubans fight against Cubans, in reference to theanti-government demonstrations of 11J and Díaz-Canel's order, through the media, to repress them.

What do you think?


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Michael Gonzalez

Cibercuba journalist. Graduated in Journalism from the University of Havana (2012). Co-founder of the independent magazine El Estornudo.

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