Father Kenny offers his spiritual support to Cuban political prisoner Luis Robles and his family

“Luis's mother already left the oral trial held in the Marianao Municipal Court a few minutes ago. After 15 days we will know the sentence,” the priest said on his social networks.

Luis Robles y el sacerdote cubano Kenny Fernández © Facebook/ Luis Robles - Kenny Fernández
Luis Robles and the Cuban priest Kenny Fernández Photo © Facebook/ Luis Robles - Kenny Fernández

This article is from 2 years ago

Cuban priest Kenny Fernández Delgado offeredyour spiritual and human support a Luis Robles Elizástigui and his family, on the day that the young Cuban opponent was tried for the alleged crimes of “enemy propaganda” and “resistance.”

“Luis's mother already left the oral trial held in the Marianao Municipal Court a few minutes ago.After 15 days we will know the sentence", the priest announced in a post on Facebook, which he accompanied with a photo with Robles Elizástigui's brother and another of him with his little son.

“Greetings and blessings to everyone but especially to Luis Robles and his family. Here I am in the photo with Landys Fernández Elizástigui, brother of Luis Robles Elizástigui. The mother didn't come out but she was very close. Know that you have my spiritual and human support in every possible way,” he indicated in his post.

Father Kenny said, finally, that at that moment he was going “on a pilgrimageto the Corner to ask Saint Lazarus for all prisoners and their families”.

In the post, several Internet users thank the religious man for his mission. “Thank you very much for having your presence today father,blessings and freedom for Luis Robles", says one of the comments. “Thank you very much for your bravery!” said another user.

A year ago, the Cuban regime's police detainedRobles Elizástigui for walking along San Rafael Boulevard in Havana with a sign demandingfreedom, no more repression andthe release of rapper Denis Solís.

InitiallyHis trial was scheduled for July 16., in the Popular Municipal Court of Diez de Octubre, but was suspended as a result of theJuly 11 mass protests in all the country.

The Prosecutor's Office requests for hima joint sentence of six years of deprivation of liberty. The Court has denied, on two occasions,the requests of his lawyers for a change of precautionary measure.

During his time in prison, the young opponent hassuffered physical and psychological torture. “They chained me for no reason, for pleasure. For talking to the oppositionthey put me in a punishment cell to prevent me from communicating,” he said.

Likewise, he said that two of the times he has been in the punishment cell, it has been “for doingpublic complaints about human rights violations committed here. On the last occasionThey left me without food for three days“said the activist.

In January of this year,the Prisoners Defenders organization declared him a political prisoner and condemned his arrest and the abuses he suffered in the Combinado del Este prison in Havana.

Last December 3Luis Robles turned 29 years old. From social networks he received numerous messages of support and solidarity. "Today is also the birthday of Luis Robles, who has almost spent a whole year in jail without a trial yet being held.Robles came out to ask for what many of us want: freedom. That's why he is in prison," independent journalist Luz Escobar wrote on Facebook.

In case ofRobles Elizástigui has motivated complaints and protests from different non-governmental human rights organizations. One of these institutions, theUnited Nations Human Rights Council Working Group on Arbitrary Detention He claimed that his arrest was arbitrary and demanded his release from the Cuban government.

In additionHuman Rights Watch He also spoke out against the imprisonment of the opponent. The Chilean lawyerJosé Miguel Vivanco, executive director for the Americas of that NGO, demanded the freedom of the young man, whose only crime was walking peacefully through the streets of his city.

AlsoAmnesty International demanded the immediate release of the activist. "Luis has been in prison for a year, his trial is scheduled today. We demand his immediate release Cuba," said the lawyer.Erika Guevara-Rosas, director for the Americas of that institution.

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