Amnesty International demands immediate release of Luis Robles

"Luis has been in prison for a year, his trial is scheduled today. We demand his immediate release Cuba," lawyer Erika Guevara-Rosas, Americas director of Amnesty International, wrote on Twitter.

Luis Robles (i) y Erika Guevara-Rosas (d) © Captura de y Twitter / Erika Guevara-Rosas
Luis Robles (i) and Erika Guevara-Rosas (d) Photo © Captura de and Twitter / Erika Guevara-Rosas

This article is from 2 years ago

Amnesty International demanded the immediate release of Cuban political prisoner Luis Robles, detained for carrying a sign against repression in Havana, and who will be tried this Thursday after spending months in jail.

"Luis has been in prison for a year, his trial is scheduled today. We demand his immediate freedom Cuba," lawyer Erika Guevara-Rosas, director for the Americas of Amnesty International, wrote on Twitter.

Luis Robles was declared a political prisoner by the organizationPrisoners Defenders in January of this year, after he was arrested for also requesting the release of rapper Denis Solís.

The police arrested the young Cuban before the eyes of other people who were passing through Obispo Street., from Havana, and although some came to his defense, nothing could prevent his arrest.

Lawyer Santiago Alpizar, from the CubaDemanda project, told this media at the time that they want to accuse the young man of the crime of "other acts against State Security."

However, family sources explained toCyberCubathat Robles is also accused of "enemy propaganda and resistance."

“They no longer know what to do... They have nothing to justify the imprisonment of Luis Robles... First: Other Acts vs. State Security. Now: Enemy Propaganda and Resistance,” said the detainee's brother.

This Wednesday the government ofThe United States demanded the immediate release of Roblesand joined the call for the Working Group on Arbitrary Detentions of the United Nations Human Rights Office.

The United States government demanded the freedom of the young Cuban Luis Robles, imprisoned for a year on the island for walking with a sign along San Rafael Boulevard in Havana to demand at that time the release of rapper Denis Solís.

“Luis Robles faces up to six more years in prison for peacefully holding a banner supporting the release of Denis Solís,” the Undersecretary for Western Hemisphere Affairs of the United States Department of State, Brian A. Nichols, wrote on Twitter.

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