Cubans can download digital vaccination certificate against coronavirus

The Cuban government expressed that the document can be obtained after downloading an application from the official Aplikis store, and assured that it meets the standards adopted by the European Union, the recommendations of the World Health Organization and can be verified "by some foreign entities." ", although he did not mention which ones.

Certificado digital de vacunacion en Cuba © MINSAP Cuba
Digital vaccination certificate in Cuba Photo © MINSAP Cuba

This article is from 2 years ago

The Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) announced that Starting this Monday, Cuba's digital vaccination certificate is available, with which it will be possible to demonstrate that the treatment against the coronavirus that the island developed for its citizens was received.

The Cuban government expressed that the document can be obtained after downloading an application from the official Aplikis store, and assured thatmeets the standards adopted by the European Union, the recommendations of the World Health Organization and may be verified "by some foreign entities", although he did not mention which ones.

"This documentdoes not replace the official vaccination card(model 84-21-02a), will constitute one more option to carry the certification of the vaccination scheme in Cuba for said disease",MINSAP said on its web portal.

That government agency explained thatSo far, 20% of the information on vaccinated people in Cuba remains to be digitizedTherefore, it is possible that there are citizens who request the certificate and do not obtain any information.

"In this situation, the user must go to the Population Care department of the Health Area in which they received their vaccination schedule and request that their information be digitized.It is essential to present the official vaccination card (form 84-21-02a) and your identity document to begin the application process."he clarified.

After completing this process,Those interested must wait seven days and a phone callto confirm that your data is available to be downloaded to your mobile phone.

It's been less than a week since The Cuban government advanced the launch of a mobile applicationl that will allow obtaining a digital document that records the doses of the vaccines received and the dates on which they were supplied.

So far there are no official statements aboutHow the confidentiality of data collected by the Ministry of Public Health will be treated, which could constitute a serious problem for the privacy of Cubans if all that information were leaked, as happened with the telephone numbers of ETECSA clients.

The use of digital certificates became a trend, mainly in Europe, after the coronavirus vaccine began to be administered and citizens began to receive a document that allows them to move between countries and even access places such as restaurants and bars.

Although its use is not without controversy, became a control mechanism for governments to try to immunize the majority of the population.

As the vaccines developed by Cuba against the coronavirus do not have the approval of the WHO,European organizations refuse to recognize its validity to enter the Old Continent Those travelers coming from the island, therefore, must present a negative PCR valid for about 48 hours.

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