Mother denounces torture against her son in Camagüey prison

The young opponent could receive an extension of his sentence for the third time, for the alleged crime of contempt.

 Eider Frómeta Allen © Twitter / Ana Belkis Ferrer
Eider Frometa Allen Photo © Twitter / Ana Belkis Ferrer

This article is from 2 years ago

Cuban mother Gricelia Allen denounced torture of her son, the political prisoner Eider Frometa Allen, in the Kilo 8 prison in Camagüey, where he is on hunger strike.

"Political prisoner Eider Frómeta Allen confirms to his mother that he was in a punishment cell, on a hunger strike, where they even denied him a mattress, when he complained they tied his hands and feet and beat him, broke his forehead and now they accuse him of contempt", denounced on social networks the activist Ana Belkis Ferrer, sister of the opposition leader José Daniel Ferrer, imprisoned since July 11.

Frometa Allen, member of the Patriotic Union of Cuba and promoter of Cuba Decide, has been imprisoned since January 17, 2019 for the alleged crime of disobedience.

In May 2019, he carried out a hunger strike in protest because they refused to provide him with medication for the gastritis and high blood pressure he suffers from. Shortly after, he was transferred from the prison where he was in Guantánamo to the Kilo 8 prison in Camagüey, which makes his mother's visits considerably difficult.

Frómeta, 31, had initially been sentenced to one year in prison. While in prison, State Security used a common prisoner to provoke a dispute, after which the young man was sentenced to another year for an alleged injury crime.

This would be the third attempt by the regime to extend Frómeta Allen's sentence – now accused of contempt by prison guards – and keep him behind bars to prevent him from continuing with the opposition activity he carried out in Guantánamo.

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