Cuban rapper Denis Solís describes the sentence against Luis Robles as arbitrary

Robles was sentenced this week to five years in prison for the alleged crimes of enemy propaganda and disobedience, charges imposed for his public demonstration in favor of the freedom of Solís.

El músico Denis Solís y el activista Luis Robles © Facebook/ Denis Solís - Luis Robles Elizastigui
The musician Denis Solís and the activist Luis Robles Photo © Facebook/ Denis Solís - Luis Robles Elizastigui

This article is from 2 years ago

HeCuban rapper Denis Solís described as arbitrary the sentence of five years of deprivation of liberty againstLuis Robles Elizástigui, sanctioned by demonstrate alone on San Rafael Boulevard, in Havana, with a poster demanding the freedom of the musician and the end of repression.

In a live broadcast from his Facebook profile, Solís stated thatRobles' sentenceand government repression againstall the minors who demonstrated on 11J, awakened in him feelings of helplessness.

“I know that this is the year of change (...), this is the year of the fall of the Birán cartel,” said the artist and added that he rarely enters social networks because he does not pay attention to the gossip and comments that circulate on Facebook.

Robles was prosecuted for the alleged crimes of enemy propaganda and disobedience, charges imposed for his public demonstration in favor of the freedom of Solís.

Solís clarified that on this occasion his message was necessary and that anyone who thinks that Denis Solís left Cuba and forgot about Robles "is acyberclaria", in charge of filling all publications with hate at the request of the Cuban regime.

The Cuban rapper defendedhis decision to leave the country and settle in Serbia in the face of constant harassment by State Security against him and his family. He added that his trip had no influence on the young political prisoner's prison situation.

He clarified that his decision to leave the country was driven by prudence and not fear, and shared a moment of the video with one of the cousins with whom he lives in the European country. Both exclaimed “Homeland and Life, (...) Down with the dictatorship.”

The artist also reported thatIn that nation a totalitarian regime governs that follows its movements and that there is no community of Cubans there.

He explained that he is not in favorable conditions and said that his situation influences him to speak infrequently about the case of Robles and the political prisoners in Cuba.

He reported thatHe is in a shelter very similar to a prison and that is why he knows that those who do not criticize him are the true opponents, those who really feel the cause of the island, people capable of understanding a complicated situation like the one it is going through at the moment.

Solís mentioned in his message toLuis Manuel Otero Alcantara and Maykel “Osorbo” Castillo, who suffer all possible arbitrariness in the penal facilities of the Cuban regime. He reaffirmed his helplessness in the face of the judicial violations suffered by both independent artists.

He claimed to maintain a close relationship with Robles' brother,Landy Fernández Elizástigui and that his family was also always worried about his case. He explained that he did not need to show off those things on social media because good deeds are not done for show.

“My fight is serious, my fight does not depend on sensationalism (...), it is solid,” he added and pointed out that those who criticize him also talk aboutThe Funky and ofAnamely Ramos, both forced to remain abroad under the pressure of the Castro regime.

He added thatThese divisions among the Cuban opposition do not favor the fight, but it also paves the way for the dictatorship to remain in power for much longer. “Freedom, Homeland and Life, the change is right now,” declared Solís at the end of his live broadcast.

Solisleft Cuba in November 2021 in the face of increased pressure and harassment from State Security. On that occasion, fake profiles on Twitter and Facebook, known for defaming and starting smear campaigns against political opponents, presented his trip to Serbia as an "abandonment of the cause."

An arrest of the Cuban rapper in November 2020triggered the thirst and hunger strike which starred several members of theSan Isidro Movement. The repression against the strikers, for its part, led tothe demonstration of hundreds of artists in front of the Ministry of Culture, on November 27 of that year.

Robles was arrested for protesting alone and peacefully on San Rafael Boulevard with a banner calling for Solís' freedom. After serving a year in detention, he faced trial last December and receiveda five-year prison sentence, issued by the Chamber of Crimes against State Security of the Provincial Court of Havana.

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