Denis Solís from Serbia: Half of me is still imprisoned in Castro's dungeons

The member of the San Isidro Movement (MSI), based in Serbia, urged all international organizations to "not stop supporting all my brothers and the rest of the political prisoners of 11J and to continue there, in support."

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, Maykel "Osorbo" Castillo y Denis Solís © Facebook/ Maykel Osorbo y Denis Solís
Luis Manuel Otero Alcantara, Maykel "Osorbo" Castillo and Denis Solis Photo © Facebook/ Maykel Osorbo and Denis Solís

This article is from 1 year ago

HeCuban protesting rapper Denis Solís González He said that his half remained imprisoned in the Castro dungeons, in reference to the prolonged incarceration of the artists.Maykel “Osorbo” Castillo andLuis Manuel Otero Alcántara and the young activistLuis Robles Elizástegui.

In statements toRadio Television Martí, the member of the San Isidro Movement (MSI), based in Serbia, urged all international organizations to “not stop supporting all my brothers and the rest of the political prisoners of the11J and that we continue there, in support.”

“No matter how much I try to find peace within myself, I can't. No matter how much I look for spiritual peace, I can't get it because half of me is still imprisoned," Solís González reiterated in his interview, regarding the Cuban government setting for theMay 30 and 31 the trials of Otero Alcántara and Osorbo.

The rapper thanked the support of all the activists who, from different spaces, have demanded the freedom of their fellow fighters, tortured in prisons of the Castro regime.

“Let us continue to support, we are going to intensify the fight for the freedom of our people and the freedom of the Cuban people, which is what matters most,” added the former politician.

“I urge you, my brothers, not to stop, because they have nothing left,” added the artist who also referred to the case ofRobles Elizástegui, with whom he said he was forever united by a giant commitment.

Robles Elizástegui, 29, was arrested on December 4, 2020 for protesting alone and peacefully on San Rafael Boulevard with a banner calling for the freedom of Solís González. After serving a year in detention, he faced trial last December and receiveda five-year prison sentence, issued by the Chamber of Crimes against State Security of the Provincial Court of Havana.

In April of this year, the Cuban rapper expressed his disagreement with thefiscal requests for 10 and seven years of deprivation of liberty that the Cuban dictatorship requests in the respective cases ofOsorbo and Otero Alcantara.

Facebook capture/ Denis Solís González

“How miserable is that power that stops at nothing! How deeply miserable the reality of death that they extend to everything they touch! In addition to the sadness, and the anger, I try to focus on the sound of Maykel's voice the last time we spoke, telling me that he knew everything that could happen, that he knows who he is and that he is prepared," he wrote in that chance.

Solis GonzalezHe highlighted the value of his friends and colleagues from the MSIand said he was ready for the coming fight for his freedom. “For the moment, I try to control my incendiary impulses in the face of a reality that disarms me: the same people always get screwed, those who power considered disposable since they were born always get the worst of it. Given that, I am ashamed of everything: the studies, the trips, the doctorate... everything that keeps me safe and them in danger. “I would change everything for my freedom if I could,” he said.

“The good news is that they are no longer disposable, they themselves have become protagonists and essential. From a prison or from wherever, Maykel and Luis are an inspiration and symbol for Cubans. Down with the dictatorship! “Long live Cuba Libre!” he said in his post.

The arbitrary detention of Solís González in November 2020 triggered thehistoric MSI protest, including the hunger and thirst strike of some of its members and the laterdemonstration in front of the Ministry of Culture. The musician was forcedto leave the island at the end of 2021.

Pseudonymous profiles on Twitter and Facebook, known for defaming opponents and mounting smear campaigns against activists, tried to present his trip to Serbia as an abandonment of the "cause." However, the rapper confirmed through activist Anamely Ramos that his departure from the country along with part of his family was caused bythe harassment suffered since he was released.

“The Cuban State displays each one who leaves as trophies, in an unscrupulous manner. They are a mafia and act as such. They believe that this reinforces their power, but in reality it only shows the precariousness and illegitimate nature of the power they hold,” Ramos added on that occasion.

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