Cuban rapper Denis Solís asks for help from Serbia: "I have no job and I am adrift"

“As I am in the asylum process, I am not allowed to work for 9 months, that is, until December… And work on the left does not appear,” the musician declared to CiberCuba.

El rapero contestatario Denis Solís González © Facebook / Denis Solís
The protesting rapper Denis Solís González Photo © Facebook / Denis Solís

This article is from 1 year ago

The member of theSan Isidro Movement (MSI) and former Cuban politician,Denis Solis Gonzalez, suffers from extreme poverty in Serbia, a country where he went into exile at the end of November 2021 after being released from prison by the Cuban regime.

“We warn of the very poor situation of Denis Solís, a singer who is a prisoner of conscience recognized by @UN_ and is strongly threatened to leave #Cuba. Guarded and escorted by police to the airport, he arrived in Serbia, where he is in extreme poverty. Help, Denis Solís (+381) 643526028,” reported the non-governmental organization Prisoners Defenders on its networks.

"I am with a particular communism here in Serbia. It is a country that does not give any help to refugees," the rapper declared toCyberCuba, confirming that his situation is delicate in the city of Novi Sad, where he resides today.

Arrested on November 9, 2020after verbally confronting a police officer who entered his house without a court order, the artist broadcast the raid live through his social networks. He entered prison on the 11th of that same month and was sentenced to eight months in prison for an alleged crime of "contempt."

His arbitrary arrest provoked a wave of rejection inside and outside the island and ended with a group of activists and members of the MSI quartered on hunger strike for almost 10 days to demand his release.

After settling in the Balkan country, the rapper has spoken out on several occasions in favor of the release of the members of the MSI,Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara andMaykel “Osorbo” Castillo.

He has also shown his deep solidarity with the political prisonerLuis Robles Elizástegui, imprisoned since December 2020 for peacefully demonstrating on Havana's San Rafael Boulevard with a sign calling for an end to the repression against the MSI and the release of Solís.

“As I am in the asylum process, I am not allowed to work for 9 months, that is, until December… And work on the left does not appear,” the musician declared to this editorial office this Monday.

No matter how much I try to find peace within myself, I can't.. No matter how much I look for spiritual peace, I can't get it because half of me is still imprisoned," said Solís González at the end of May in reference to the sentences of the three activists with whom he maintains a closer bond, but demanding freedom for all prisoners. politicians of the dictatorship.

From his exile in Serbia, the activist has urged Cubans to address all international organizations so that "they do not stop supporting all my brothers and the rest of the political prisoners of 11J."

“Let us continue to support, we are going to intensify the fight for the freedom of our people and the freedom of the Cuban people, which is what matters most,” added the former politician.

This Monday, the rapper confirmed toCyberCubawho is unemployed. “I'm adrift,” the musician described. “All this time my family and several friends have helped me. But they also have their problems and things to pay for,” he added.

The arbitrary arrest of Solís provoked a wave of rejection inside and outside the island and ended with a group of activists and members of the MSI quartered in a hunger strike to demand his release, which finally occurred on July 11,coinciding with a historic day of protests in Cuba.

However, the violent eviction suffered by the strikers on November 26 led to the demonstration the following day in front of the Ministry of Culture,known as 27N: some events inscribed in the context of repression and discredit on official platforms against their protagonists, and that enhanced the activism of an emerging civil society, tired of the violation of human rights and freedoms by the totalitarian Cuban regime.

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Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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